Staying Healthy when Using AC Devices
Nowadays, the majority of residential and business spaces are equipped with some sort of air conditioning system. The new high-end technology has also allowed us to utilise these systems as multipurpose devices. For example, purchasing an air conditioner inverter will eliminate the need for radiators or heaters of any sort.
Now, the purchase of any device or appliance goes hand in hand with responsible use. Bear with us to find out how to maintain healthy practices while keeping your AC unit in pristine condition.
The matter of quality of indoor air when AC is on
A great number of air conditioners employ the inside air for recirculation. On one hand, this is immensely boosting the energy preserving factor and minimising the consumption of electricity. On the other hand, the process has its downsides. The rooms will undoubtedly accumulate stale air and this could have a harmful effect on your loved ones’ respiratory organs.
Leaks and cracks are not your friends either. Firstly, perform a solid weather-stripping treatment to maximise the productivity of your AC unit. Secondly, let in the fresh air a few times a day, preferably at night or early morning, when the outside temperature is not demanding for the unit and the presence of allergens is minimal.
Oust the dust
With the rapid growth of medical conditions concerned with allergies, we should pay even more attention to the presence of dust, pollen and germs in our house. This pesky trio links with our air conditioning units through their air ducts, say Sydney-based specialists for air conditioning installation, so if you have left them unattended for a long while, there’s a high chance that ducts are heavily clogged with layers of thick dirt.
Protect your youngsters and yourself and commit to performing regular maintenance and clean-up. Also, repeat the procedure regardless of schedule if you have remodelled the house recently. It’s inevitable for such projects to leave lots of residue behind, and this can easily find their way into the air ducts or your AC device. Lastly, perform a major clean-up for hygienic purposes as well.
Remove the dirt from the filter
Even though the instructions may differ slightly with different manufacturers of the air conditioning devices, one thing is for sure – the filter needs a proper cleaning treatment. It’s advised to do it at least twice a year, before the cold period and prior to the summer months.
One important thing when it comes to air conditioning devices is the adhering to the original instructions manual. It’s inadvisable to perform maintenance yourself when the warranty period is still active or you may void it for other possible reparations. Some dedicated manufacturers even contact their clients, informing them that clean-up or replacement may be due.
Still, the expiration of warranty shouldn’t put a stop to the maintenance works. If you’re worried you may break something or damage the device, hire a professional to show you how it’s done. You can then proceed to perform it yourself on a regular basis. Last note: the extremely hot and humid areas require a filter replacement every 30 or 45 days.
Interior inspection of your AC device
If you have thought that the upkeep of residential air conditioning devices is done with the replacement of filters, think again. Just because the interior part of the unit is not easily accessible, it doesn’t mean it requires no attention on our part. Having in mind that this device is used both for cooling and heating of a designated area, by-products are inescapable. The most common and the gravest side-effect is the condensation.
Contemporary brown living room with air conditioner – rendering
As the condensation increases, so does the formation of mould and mildew on the fan surface and other parts of the AC unit. If you leave the device untended for too long before the cold season, the pileup of mildew and mould will increase even more in the warm conditions and create a fertile ground for all sorts of other germs.
Steer clear of the AC-induced illnesses by taking precautionary measures. Schedule and carry out the regular maintenance procedure and replace the filters on time. Lastly, consult experts and ensure even complex operations won’t give you any trouble.