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Boost Your Productivity with Feng Shui: A Guide for Remote-Working Employees

Working from home offers both advantages and some drawbacks. While it can provide you with the liberty to work in a comfortable environment and follow a flexible schedule, it can sometimes be difficult to maintain concentration and drive outside of a conventional office.

Many individuals, when first transitioning to a home-based setup, might simply use a spare room or even the dining table as their workspace, assuming it’s sufficient enough for their needs.

The reality for many, though, is that without a well-designed workspace, they may struggle to be as productive and efficient as possible. That’s where the art of Feng Shui comes in.

Know the Importance of Energy Flow

Within Feng Shui, “Chi” is a fundamental element. It represents an energy force that connects humans with the Earth. This energy is believed to interact with every part of our lives and can guide everything from moods, productivity levels, and even mental health when applied in anxiety therapy settings.

Being able to optimize Chi can significantly change your workspace. A free-flowing Chi creates an atmosphere that helps with more innovation, better concentration, and improved quality of work. On the other hand, when Chi is blocked or dormant in a space, it can lead to feelings of added tension, fatigue, or negativity.

Choose the Ideal Location for Your Office

Selecting the right spot for your home office is key to maximizing your productivity and staying focused. Feng Shui teachings advocate for placing your office either facing the front of the house or in areas that have natural sunlight.

Additionally, it’s imperative to keep a clear separation between your workspace and bedroom since connecting the two might offset the harmony between your time to relax and your time to work.

In Feng Shui principles, the “commanding position” has significant importance. When positioned this way, you can clearly see the door from your workspace, giving you a sense of control and security. Setting up your space with this in mind can promote a more relaxed and peaceful work environment.

Organize Your Office Furniture

The way you arrange your office furniture can also impact the flow of energy in your space. It’s recommended to avoid positioning yourself with the entrance behind you, as it may induce feelings of vulnerability and create a distraction.

In terms of spatial orientation, the ideal direction is often determined by your kua number, a distinct Feng Shui number that relates to personal success. A general rule of thumb suggests aligning your desk towards the north to encourage taking on new career opportunities or towards the east to help promote more harmonious family relations.

It’s important to tailor these recommendations to suit your own specific office conditions. In smaller spaces, keeping the surroundings neat and orderly is important since it doesn’t take long before clutter accumulates and can cause disruptions to the flow of energy.

Other approaches can be applied if your office’s layout doesn’t allow for the optimal commanding position. For example, introducing a strategically placed mirror that reflects your office door can give you greater environmental awareness and make the space look larger than it is.

Choose Suitable Colors and Materials

In Feng Shui and art therapy, color theory is an essential component of curating a more balanced living or working space. Color can have a significant impact on the energy and mood in your office, so it’s important to choose colors that align with your personal goals and intentions.

Colors like green, symbolizing growth, spark creativity, while blue helps with tranquility and focus. Material choices can also impact workspace energy. For example, wood encourages innovation, while metal helps to enhance focus and determination.

Embrace Natural Elements in Your Workspace

Feng Shui is built upon five foundational elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. These elements signify unique energies, and integrating them into your home office can be achieved in various ways.

By incorporating a blend of these elements, you can harness their energies to create a more harmonious and productive workspace.

Incorporate Smart Lighting and Better Air Quality

In Feng Shui, the quality of air and the presence of natural light are deemed essential. A room that has an abundance of natural light and clean air can significantly improve your mood and overall mindset.

For optimal sunlight, arrange your desk close to a window. However, a window directly behind you can dilute your energy, so it’s preferable to have the window either to your side or facing you directly. Use light, translucent drapes to spread the sunlight gently across your space. When relying on artificial light sources, opt for full-spectrum bulbs that are closer to the hues of natural daylight.

Maintaining clean air in your workspace is also very important. Ensure windows are open frequently to bring in fresh breezes. You can also incorporate plants in your office that naturally enhance air quality and give a natural ambiance to your workspace. Specific plants like peace lilies and spider plants are both excellent choices for purifying your indoor air and giving off positive energy.

Keep Your Space Free from Clutter

In Feng Shui principles, clutter is recognized as a major block to the free flow of energy. These blockages can reduce creativity, increase stress, and reduce work efficiency. On the other hand, a tidy and structured workspace allows for unhindered movement of energy, enhancing focus and productivity.

It’s important to develop good habits when it comes to cleaning your workspace. Regularly clear your desk, keeping only what’s essential within reach. Make use of shelves, drawers, and desk organizers to ensure everything has its place, and dedicate 5-10 minutes at the close of each workday to tidy up, setting a positive tone for the next day.

Make Your Home Office Work for You

Feng Shui provides practical principles for creating an optimal home office setup. By integrating natural elements, choosing quality lighting and air quality, and keeping a clutter-free space, you can improve the energy flow in your workspace and make sure you’re able to work more productively.

Author Bio:

Visionary and healthcare entrepreneur by passion, Licensed Psychologist by training, Dr. Hannah Yang loves creating new possibilities in the world of mental health and wellness. Dr. Yang established Balanced Awakening in 2015 as a niche psychotherapy practice for women. As Balanced Awakening flourishes in Chicago, and soon Miami, she also loves to tap into her passion for design and Feng Shui to create fabulous environments for herself, her team, and clients.

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