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6 Home Installations You Can Get Done With Quickly

If you’re a young adult moving into a new place or just looking to spruce up your existing home, you don’t always have to hire a professional to make some upgrades. There are plenty of simple home installations you can do yourself with minimal time and effort. In this article, we’ll explore six quick home installations that will add value and style to your living space.

Light Fixtures

One of the easiest and most noticeable ways to upgrade your home is to replace old or basic light fixtures with stylish new ones. Whether it’s a chandelier, pendant light, or a simple ceiling fixture, you can accomplish this task in minutes using basic tools. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in the ambiance of your home.

Ceiling Fan

If you live in an area with warm weather, installing a ceiling fan is a no-brainer. Not only does it cool down a room quickly, but it also adds visual appeal to your space. With modern fans that are lightweight and easy to install, you can cross this task off your to-do list in no time.


While this is one of the more complicated home installations on our list, it’s still a doable DIY project. Whether you need to replace a faulty toilet or want to upgrade to a more water-efficient model, all you need are some basic plumbing tools and a free afternoon to get the job done.


Replacing or upgrading a window can make a drastic difference in your home’s energy efficiency and curb appeal. With modern replacement windows designed for easy installation, you can have your old, drafty windows exchanged and an energy-efficient new one installed in a single afternoon. If you don’t feel up to the challenge yourself, a window company can help get it done rather quickly.


If your current flooring isn’t cutting it anymore, consider installing carpet. While it may seem intimidating, it’s not as hard as you think. With the right tools and some patience, you can have new carpeting installed in a day. Just be sure to read up on the necessary steps before you begin.


While a TV might not technically be an installation, it can still make a big impact on your home’s entertainment value. Mounting a TV is a relatively easy process, and you don’t have to be a skilled carpenter to do it. With some basic tools and a bit of precision, you can have your TV mounted on the wall in no time. It also can make a huge impact on the openness of your home.

As you can see, installing new home fixtures doesn’t have to be a complicated affair. With a little patience and the right tools, you can complete these projects quickly and without any complications. Just be sure to read up on the necessary steps before you begin, and have fun adding value and beauty to your living space with these quick home installations.

Author Bio

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being outdoors and researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure. You can connect with her on Facebook right here and Twitter right here.

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