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5 Ways to Beat Summer Temperatures if You Have Heat Intolerance

Summer can be a fabulous time of the year, a time for vacations and exploring, but for some people, it can be a time of anxiety and discomfort. If you’re heat intolerant, summer can be a trying time. With scorching temperatures, even a simple walk to the shop can turn into a sweating marathon especially if you live in parts of the world where the thermometer reaches up to the 100s! Coping with summer heat waves can be a real challenge, but it’s not impossible. Here are five ways to beat summer temperatures if you have the problem of heat intolerance.

Dress Appropriately

Clothing is the MVP when it comes to coping with summer heat. When it’s sweltering outside, it’s essential to wear the right kind of clothes. It is best to wear lightweight, breathable, and loose fabrics that are easy to wear and do not stick to your skin. Light colors are preferable as they reflect sunlight, keeping you cool in the process. Cotton and linen are excellent choices because they absorb sweat and will keep you feeling comfortable even in extreme temperatures.

Cool Down Your Environment

Many people underestimate the power of home air cooling, but it’s an effective way to stay cool during the summer. You can start by ensuring proper insulation; air conditioning units can function correctly if they operate in a closed environment. Window and door openings must be sealed to prevent warm air from penetrating. Another great way to cool down the environment is by using a fan. Box fans that are placed throughout the house are an effective way to circulate air, and portable fans are perfect for when on the move.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, but it’s crucial during summer. When your body is sweating, you’re depleting water, and you must replace it. Drinking water is an effective way of staying hydrated in the summer but drinking electrolytes or a chilled glass of lemonade can also help keep the fluid levels up. For heat-intolerant people, it is recommended to drink water regularly irrespective of whether you’re thirsty or not.

Time Your Outdoor Activities

The sun is at its highest from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and that’s when it’s at its hottest. If you intend to go outdoors during that period, it’s advisable to find a shady area. If that’s not possible, carry an umbrella that will help block the sun rays. It’s also best to plan outdoor activities such as running, walking, or outdoor chores earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon when the temperatures drop.

Go to Places with Air Conditioning

During the summer heat waves, public transportation, libraries, and shopping malls can be your best friends. Most of them usually have air conditioning, and you can step inside and cool down. Using public transportation would avoid walking in the heat; it would also help you stay cool before getting to your final destination. If possible, plan to work out in an air-conditioned gym or swimming pool where you can stay cool while still getting some exercise.

Summer usually means fun, but heat intolerance can make the season uncomfortable for some people. As mentioned earlier, some great ways of coping with summer include wearing the right type of clothes, staying hydrated, timely planning of outdoor activities, and visiting air-conditioned areas. While these tips may not entirely eliminate heat discomfort, they will at least bring some relief. Therefore, stay safe, stay hydrated, and stay cool in these trying summer months.

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