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4 Things That Make Your Smile More Model Like

First impressions truly matter. When you’re first meeting someone, you don’t know how good their heart is. It’s pretty common to make an assessment about someone based on their appearance. When a person first observes another, the smile is one of the main focal points. If you’ve ever felt insecure about your smile, you can always work to improve it. Consider some of the components that can help you make your smile look like a model’s.


Teeth are supposed to be white. Some people love the look of stark-white teeth. For others, that extreme white can look unnatural. However, teeth that look off-white, yellow, or brown immediately look unkempt. One of the easiest ways to fix discoloration is by using whitening strips at home. If you tend to consume lots of beverages that discolor the teeth (wine, coffee, etc.), work on decreasing your intake or brush your teeth shortly after drinking.


You don’t really have much control over the shape your teeth take. For many people, their canine teeth tend to look more like really intense fangs. A dental professional can file the edges down so they’re not so sharp. Depending on the way the teeth sit, dental implants might be a necessary option to consider.


Gaps in the teeth tend to occur for many reasons. For some people, the teeth spread as a part of the aging process. For others, the teeth develop spacing due to gingivitis or gum disease. In addition to addressing the deeply rooted issues, braces or dental bonding can help to fill in and close the gaps altogether.


While you might think you can skip the dental flossing process, it’ll eventually show up through built-up plaque and other dental concerns. Become very meticulous with maintaining proper dental hygiene. In addition to flossing and brushing your teeth thoroughly, scrape the tongue. Work on visiting the dentist at least twice a year for routine cleanings. Consider extra steps such as oil-pulling. The oil-pulling process involves swishing coconut oil in the mouth for a few minutes. This process promotes the reduction of cavity-causing bacteria. As you maintain a good dental routine, the proof will manifest each time you showcase your teeth to smile.

When it comes to your dental health and appearance, it’s possible to fix anything. With time and dedication, you and your dental professional can cultivate a stunning smile that captivates everyone you meet. With enough effort, you can easily become a memorable person with a million-dollar smile.

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