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Simple Ways You Can Whiten Teeth Without Going To The Dentist

Having discolored teeth is nothing to smile about. Unfortunately, many people have this very same problem. Fortunately, there are ways to help take care of it without a visit to the dentist because cosmetic, whitening procedures are expensive and can use ingredients that can irritate your gum.

There are several reasons as to why your teeth might not be so white, such as illness, aging, or consuming certain foods and drinks. The general rule says that any food or beverage that can stain your clothes can also stain your teeth.

Have a look now at some inexpensive ways that can help shine those pearls of yours!

Baking soda

You probably have a box of this naturally whitening product lying around somewhere in your kitchen. Baking soda has soft abrasives, so it’s recommended only a couple of times a week. It doesn’t work overnight, but after several times of brushing, you can notice a difference. Lots of toothpaste whiteners use some baking soda in the product. Just mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water to create a paste, and brush your teeth with it a few times per week.

Coconut oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Indian technique that some people might swear by. It also helps to treat plaque and generally improve overall oral hygiene by killing bacteria. All you need to do is swish in your mouth a tablespoon of coconut oil for around 20 minutes. If you can’t manage 20 minutes, do at least 10 minutes, or two 10-minute swishes. If it comes out white after you spit it out, then you’re doing well. Follow up with the baking soda brushing or regular brushing. Try this method before bedtime, or first thing in the morning.


We know that some foods contribute to staining our teeth like tea, coffee, red wine, dark berries, soy sauce, and tomato sauce to mention a few. But by the same token, there are other foods that whiten teeth. Strawberries, despite their red color, have a natural component of Malic acid that helps remove surface stains on teeth. Oranges and pears also help neutralize the acid in our mouth that cause bacteria. Milk and yogurt offer help through the lactic acid and calcium in them to whiten and strengthen teeth. You can also try rubbing the inside of a banana peel onto your teeth. Try it a few days in a row, and you might see some results.

When you’re at work or outside, and brushing isn’t possible, always have some water after you’ve drunk or eaten anything that can stain teeth. And if you can drink something through a straw, do that so that drinks will have less direct contact with your teeth.


Our lifestyle affects our teeth and consequently their shine. Improper oral hygiene care, negligence, smoking, eating and drinking the wrong things are all in our hands to improve and change. By making small lifestyle changes, these will eventually contribute to better, healthier and a stronger set of teeth. Start the change and start smiling.

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