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Why Is Hiring Maid Essential in Any City?

Living in its society sometimes makes yourself burn out unless you hire a maid to help to organize your home. Maids are women who do household chores in other people’s households. The story of the maid begins in the 19th century, when young girls, from their parents, were sent to the city to help with well-heeled families in the household.

Most of them came from the countryside and hoped to earn money as domestic help in the city. Around 1900 it was the most widespread professional field for women and even today it is still predominantly women who work in the field of housekeeping.

The term maid is no longer common today. This occupational field includes job titles such as housekeepers, laundry assistants, and elderly nutritionists. You can still assume that it is a female domain. Although there was already the profession of servant and butler before, today there are numerous male graduates from these professional groups. The duties of a maid and today’s housekeeper differ only minimally. Only the working conditions, the standards, and the remuneration have changed.

Over the years, the working conditions of this professional group have changed for the better. Industrialization contributed to the fact that households became cleaner, more wages could be paid, and objects were developed that made work easier. The term “maid” gradually lost its validity, and now, they became housekeepers.

Vocational schools were even opened for this occupational group. So that the girls and young women could officially learn these occupations. Nowadays, they are not only employed in private households but also work in nursing homes, children’s and youth facilities, hotel, and restaurant businesses. The areas of responsibility have changed little. Managing the entire household is still an important part of their work.

The duties of a maid in cities – before and today

Unlike today, maids did not have regular working hours. If possible, she had to be available around the clock for the employer and his family. Among other things, they were responsible for lighting the stove, preparing the water for personal hygiene, preparing the meals, deep cleaning the house, washing clothes, ironing the clean laundry and shopping.

In addition to these household chores, some also had to serve as nannies and take care of the children. Only when all the work was done and the housekeepers were in bed could the maid leave work – but there was not much time for her own free time.

The tasks of a maid today do not necessarily look different, but the general conditions have changed significantly. There is a fixed employment contract between the two parties that specifically regulate remuneration and working hours. Many domestic helpers nowadays only work half a day or have a maximum of 40 hours a week.

Besides, they usually do not live in the same household as their employers. Cooking, washing, cleaning, childcare and other tasks still fall into the field of activity of the modern maid. However, it is usually in possession of completed training and thus works holistically according to the latest standards and pays particular attention to the economy of the household.

Another aspect that is much more important today than before is the level of trust and sympathy. True to the motto – the chemistry has to be right because the employer entrusts the “maid” to not only his private household, but also his children or relatives in need of care. Concrete agreements and a high degree of reliability are the be-all and end-all.

Modern Maids In Private Households

Today’s modern maids mostly have a solid education as housekeeping assistants. As qualified household managers, they take on all of the tasks that arise in private households. It does not matter whether it is small apartments or large properties.

The areas of activity are discussed in advance with the employer and the housekeeper starts to perform her tasks independently and reliably. All important details should be recorded in an employment contract, as this is the only way for both sides to be sure that legal and honest work is being done.

Because the market is very confusing and there are many black sheep in this branch, you have to be careful. You should find the company that provides highly qualified and friendly staff to private households.

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