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What To Do If Your Gutter Detaches From Your Roof

While you assume your home’s gutters will always stay in place, that may not always be the case. Whether you have a strong storm blow-through or perhaps have various types of maintenance issues, it’s actually somewhat common for gutters to detach from a roof. Should you find yourself looking up at gutters that are coming down, here’s what you need to keep in mind to solve the problem.

Examine the Fascia Boards

First, you should always grab your ladder and take a look at the fascia boards, since these are actually what attach your gutters to your home. If they have started to rot, don’t even bother trying to reattach your gutters until you’ve had these boards replaced.

Look for Loose Nails

If your gutters have some age on them or had to try to withstand a strong storm, the problem could be as simple as a few loose nails. If the fascia boards look good, chances are you’ve got some nails that need to be secured. In some cases, you may want to replace those long gutter nails with gutter screws, which are much more sturdy and virtually guarantee your gutters won’t detach from the roof.

DIY or Call in the Pros?

Once you notice your gutters have detached from your roof, you’ll need to decide if you think it is a simple DIY project you can handle yourself, or if it is a job that requires a professional touch. Generally, unless you are a very experienced DIYer on home improvement projects, it’s best to rely on professionals such as Gutter Tech Enterprises, Inc to do the job. If you try it yourself and don’t have the proper experience and knowledge, you can make a bad situation worse for your home.

Don’t Assume New Gutters are Needed

Finally, when you see your gutters detached from your roof, don’t automatically assume this means you need new gutters. In fact, that’s rarely the case. Unless your gutters are very old or visibly damaged, chances are whatever caused them to detach can be repaired. If the fascia boards are not rotted, any holes or cracks in the boards can usually be patched up to look like new. By doing this and possibly replacing all the nails with screws, your gutters can be good to go for many more years.

Since your gutters play such a vital role in keeping your home’s roof and foundation in good shape, tend to a detachment right away. Whether you handle it yourself or call in professionals, you’ll gain peace of mind once your gutter problems are solved.

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