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What Kind of Heater Maintenance Do You Need Before Winter Hits?

Now that summer is over and autumn is in full swing, winter is just around the corner. This means it’s time to start preparing your home for the cold weather long before it hits. One of the most important things you can do to winterize your home is to make sure your heater is in good working order before you really need it. After all, you don’t want to be stuck fighting freezing temperatures because your heater died in the middle of winter. Luckily, there are a few easy maintenance tasks you can do to get your heater ready for the winter months.

Change Your Filters

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your furnace is to change the filter regularly. Dirty filters not only make your furnace work harder, but they can also lead to poor indoor air quality since debris and dust can start to come through thanks to the filter being clogged. For the best results, you should aim to change your filter every 1-3 months.

Schedule a Professional Tune-Up

In addition to changing your furnace filter, it’s also a good idea to schedule a professional tune-up before winter hits with a professional, someone like Trane South, to check for any maintenance issues. A tune-up will help ensure that your furnace is running efficiently and safely, and you can catch any developing problems before they have a chance to grow into serious ones. It’s a good idea to schedule a tune-up at least once a year, but twice a year, preferably around the spring and fall, is even better.

Clean Around Your Furnace

It’s important to keep the area around your furnace clean and free of clutter. This will help ensure that your furnace has adequate airflow and ventilation to draw in and expel air. To clean around your furnace, simply vacuum up any dirt and debris and then wipe down any surfaces with a damp cloth to catch lingering dirt or grime. Be careful not to leave any vents blocked or to block them while cleaning.

Inspect Your Vents and Ductwork

Before turning on your furnace for the first time this winter, take some time to inspect your vents and ductwork for any signs of damage or wear and tear. If you notice any holes or cracks, be sure to have them repaired as soon as possible by a professional contractor. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may also need to have your ductwork replaced altogether.

Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Last but not least, don’t forget to check that your carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order before firing up your furnace this winter! Carbon monoxide is an invisible and odorless gas that can be deadly if inhaled in large quantities. That’s why it’s so important to have working carbon monoxide detectors in your home in order to give you an early warning if there’s a problem with your furnace or other appliances that use gas or oil.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. It’s important to prepare your heater for winter before you’re stuck fighting a dying heater in freezing temperatures. By doing a little prep work ahead of time, you can help ensure that your heater runs smoothly and efficiently all winter long, keeping you and your family warm and cozy throughout the season.

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