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Upgrading Your Bedroom: 5 Ideas for Creating a Healthier Sleeping Environment

The quality of the sleep you get at night is largely reliant on the environment and atmosphere of your bedroom. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of a good night’s rest and the benefits that come from practicing effective sleep hygiene.

While many of us are guilty of using our bedrooms as a place to watch TV and scroll through social media on our phones until late at night, it is important that you create a healthy sleeping environment that is conducive to a good night’s rest. By making a few changes, you can upgrade your bedroom into the ultimate sleep haven!

Remove All the Clutter

First of all, you will likely struggle to create a healthy sleep environment that your body needs if you have clutter and trash all over your bedroom. If your surroundings are messy and chaotic, then your mind will be as well. You need to find your room relaxing and peaceful so that you can wind your body and mind down ready for sleep.

So, we recommend that you take a trash bag to your bedroom and throw away all the empty packets and take all the half-full glasses of water back to the kitchen where they belong.

Make Your Bed Comfortable

The cozier your bed is and the more comfortable you feel throughout the night, the more likely you are to get a good night’s sleep. If you are struggling to stay asleep until the morning, then this could be because your mattress is not comfortable enough or it is outdated. Most standard mattresses have not been designed to last for a long period of time, and as you get older, your body shape and size changes.

You may also suffer from back pain or joint/muscle problems that make sleeping even more difficult. Therefore, you should take the time to upgrade your mattress which can help you sleep ergonomically and create a healthier sleeping environment.

Keep Your Room Dark

Having bright lights in your bedroom can make you stay alert when you are trying to get to sleep at night, but it can also keep waking you up before morning. So, you should try to keep your room as dark as possible. This means turning off any electronic devices that light up your room, and also consider investing in blackout blinds or curtains to keep outside light disrupting your slumber!

Introduce Soft Lighting

While keeping your room dark is important when creating a healthier sleeping environment, it is also important that you adjust the lighting in your room depending on the time of day. For example, during your nighttime sleep routine, you should avoid bright lights from your bedroom, as they will keep you awake and your mind alert. Instead, we recommend that you introduce soft lighting to your room such as small lamps and fairy lights to create a tranquil and relaxing sleeping environment.

Keep Your Room Cool

As your body starts to go to sleep at night, its temperature begins to drop in preparation for rest. This is why on a hot summer’s evening it can be difficult to drift off to sleep. Therefore, you should try to keep your room cool and at a temperature of around 60 to 70 degrees. This can help your body kickstart the cooling process.

By making a few small changes and upgrades to your bedroom, you can create the perfect healthy sleeping environment which makes for a great night’s sleep! Which changes do you need to make?

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