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Tips for Keeping Your Yard Beautiful When You’re Short on Time

Creating an attractive, lush yard takes time and dedication. Like most homeowners, you probably don’t have endless hours to devote to landscaping your property. Fortunately, with some strategic planning and ingenuity, you can still create a beautiful yard even when you’re busy or away frequently. Luckily, plenty of ways to keep your yard looking great without dedicating every spare moment to it. From strategic plants that require less maintenance to simple techniques like seasonal decorating and low-maintenance planting zones, there are many ways to keep your yard looking its best with minimal effort. Here are some tips for keeping your yard beautiful when you’re short on time.

Use Your Patio and Outdoor Space

If your outdoor space is small, consider using it for more than just barbecue cookouts. When you have a patio or deck, you can use it to entertain guests with games of cards or board games. You can also use your patio space to relax after work and enjoy the outdoors with a drink in hand. If you don’t have a large patio or deck, consider adding an ottoman to add seating to the area. You can also use your yard by having friends over for movie night. Set up blankets on the grass and enjoy the outdoors with snacks and drinks.

Photo by Neil Jones Design

Plant More Shade-Tolerant Plants

Plants that tolerate shade are great for homeowners who struggle with limited sunlight in their yards. While most plants require full sun, plenty of low-maintenance plants thrive in partial shade conditions. For example, hostas and other types of ferns require less sunlight than other foliage plants like rhododendrons and azaleas. However, they still look beautiful in partial shade conditions. Another option is to plant small trees like crab apples or cherries on your property to provide some shade for other smaller flowering plants like petunias and impatiens. A professional landscaping company, like Dirt & Turf can help you choose drought and shade-tolerant plants for your yard.

Photo by Ellen Grasso & Sons, LLC

Install a Garden Fence

If you want privacy from the neighbors or to separate two areas of your yard while allowing light into one place, consider installing a garden fence. A garden fence is a decorative fence that looks like a solid fence and can be used to separate two areas of your yard. It’s usually made out of wood but can also be made from other materials like stone or metal. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance solution for your yard, consider installing a garden fence, as it doesn’t require much maintenance.

Photo by Homes On Trend – Property Styling

Start Small and Expand Your Garden

If you don’t have space for ample outdoor space, consider starting small and expanding your garden later on. When you start small, you can add to your room over time without compromising the look of your current garden area. If you start with an existing flower bed, plant new flowers in the same spot rather than moving them around or replacing them altogether with new plants. You can also expand by adding plants to existing beds or creating new beds at different locations in your yard if necessary.

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By following these tips about creating a beautiful yard when you’re short on time, you’ll have the ability to keep your yard looking its best without spending hours each week tending to your flower beds.

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