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Things Swimming Pool Users Should Know During COVID-19

Swimming in a pool is a fun way to stay in shape and interact with loved ones. However, things have changed since the pandemic, as people have been advised to stay home and practice social distancing. Due to these newfound changes, pool parties have become a thing of the past in many households.

However, things have changed slightly this month, as social restrictions have been reduced: This means that people can have small pool parties now or may even be able to swim at a public pool.

However, some may be worried about contracting the virus while swimming in a pool. Here, we will address such concerns.

Can Coronavirus Transmit Through Pool Water?

According to the CDC, there is no evidence that people can contract the virus through pool water. Instead, COVID-19 is an airborne virus that can cause respiratory infections in the elderly, people with certain allergies, and immune system disorders.

The virus can be spread by people who swim in the pool or near it, as the virus can be spread from droplets expelled by infected people via coughing, sneezing, etc.

So, if you are worried about your safety, you will need to consider hygiene, location, crowd size, and even temperature.

We would recommend that you avoid pools that are crowded, and that you should try and be at least 6 feet away from others while in and around the pool: The same can be said of private pools. Please speak to a pool builder if you have any questions or concerns.

Possible Risks That You Need to Know

Many Toronto pool builders have reported a surge in the purchase of pools, as many families have opted to stay home during the pandemic instead of going on vacation. However, there are still risks that you need to be aware of even if your new pool is intended only for family use.

While the water itself is likely not a risk, there are other risks involved with pools. For example, a person who has the virus may cough or sneeze in the pool. Another person may then inhale or ingest contaminated particles and contract the virus.

So the biggest issue is not the water itself but crowding, yelling, and proximity. There is also the risk of touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth while the virus is still on your hands.

It is also theoretically possible to contract the virus if an infected person spits, urinates, or defecates in the pool.

In sum, it is important to practice social distancing when swimming, and also very important to avoid touching any part of your face until you have thoroughly cleaned your hands with soap and water.

Swimming Pool Safety and Hygiene Tips to Consider During COVID-19

As mentioned, there is currently no evidence that pool water can cause the virus, but that doesn’t mean that the risk is non-existent.

Fortunately, you can reduce the number of people swimming in your pool, and supervise the pool to make sure that people are practicing social distancing. The proper pH and chlorine levels should also be maintained, and the pool and its nearby surfaces should also be cleaned carefully to reduce the spread of infection.

You should also avoid swimming if you have any symptoms of the virus, such as coughing, fever, and shortness of breath.

It would help if you also dried your ears after you leave the pool, as doing so will reduce the risk of COVID-19 as well as ear infections. We would also suggest that you take a 5-minute shower before you jump into the pool, as doing so will remove sweat and dirt.

Cleaning your hands as often as possible is also a must, and do not share personal belongings with anyone except your immediate family.

Testing for the virus is also key, and tests have been streamlined so that people can get results within the hour.

Headcovers, ear and nose plugs, goggles, and other protective equipment will also help reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

It’s essential not to drink any of the water, and you should not get into the pool if you have any open wounds or a skin infection.


Many people are tempted to join a local party or jump into a local pool to beat the heat, but now may not be the best time. That being said, swimming is a great way to stay in shape, reduce stress and anxiety, and socialize with friends and loved ones.

The question then becomes whether the risk is worth it? Here, the choice is ultimately up to you, so use your better judgement before making a final decision.

You should also practice proper social etiquettes and follow all safety guidelines while in and around the pool to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

Failure to abide by the rules can result in either getting sick or being kicked out of the pool for violating pool rules.

At the end of the day, having fun is not the issue, but being safe while doing so is the key. Try and reduce the number of social gatherings and practice social distancing when you are in the pool vicinity.

Wash your hands carefully, and avoid touching your face while in the pool. Shower before and after pool activities to remove dirt and germs from your body, and use protective headgear while swimming.

If you follow these rules and guidelines, then your risk of contracting the virus will be lowered.


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