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Protecting Your Home During Winter: The Top Damages to Watch For

Winter weather can be harsh on your property, and as a homeowner, it’s essential to know the typical damages that can occur during this time of year. Awareness of these issues can help you take preventative measures and minimize the risk of costly repairs. In this article, we’ll look at some of the top damages to watch out for during winter, including foundation damage, roof damage, flooding, and more.

Foundation Damage

While your home’s foundation is built to be strong, it can still be impacted by shifts in the ground, which are common during winter. Freezing and thawing of the soil around your home can cause the foundation to shift, leading to cracks and other problems. Foundation repair can be inconvenient to pay for and plan around, so to prevent foundation damage, ensure your gutters are clean to avoid water pooling around your foundation and that your yard is sloped away to keep water from settling too close to your home.

Roof Damage

Your roof is one of the most essential parts of your home and one of the most vulnerable to winter weather. Heavy snow and ice buildup can cause roof damage, leading to water leaks and other issues. To prevent this, keeping your roof clean is essential, including removing any debris or fallen leaves before the winter weather sets in. Additionally, ensure any branches hanging over your roof are trimmed back to prevent them from falling onto your roof and causing damage.


Heavy winter rains can cause flooding, leading to water damage inside your home. To prevent flooding, ensure your gutters function correctly and clear out any debris clogging them. Additionally, consider installing a sump pump or flood sensor to help prevent flooding if it does occur.

Burst Pipes

When the temperature drops, your home’s pipes can freeze and burst, causing damage to your home. To prevent this, insulate your pipes and outdoor faucets to keep them from freezing. Keep your home’s thermostat at a consistent temperature, even when you’re away, to help prevent pipes from freezing.

Chimney Damage

Finally, if you have a fireplace, it’s essential to keep an eye on your chimney for any signs of damage. Soot buildup can increase the risk of chimney fires, while cracks or other damage can allow water to leak into your home. Have your chimney professionally inspected and cleaned every year before winter sets in to prevent any potential issues.

As a homeowner, it’s important to protect your property from winter damage by looking for potential issues and taking preventative measures. Be sure to inspect your home’s foundation, roof, pipes, and chimney regularly to help prevent any damage from occurring. By protecting your home during winter, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve done everything you can to keep your property safe and secure.

Author Bio

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being outdoors and researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure. You can connect with her on Facebook right here and Twitter right here.

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