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Palm Tree Care Guide for Beginners

Palm trees are desirable plants that are often used in the landscaping world. Generally, these trees are low in maintenance as compared to other floral plants. However, this doesn’t mean they should be ignored. If you want the trees to look nice and disease and pest-free, you need to take good care of them. Here are some simple tricks a beginner can use to keep these hearty plants thriving in top condition.

Give them Suitable Soil

The topsoil that you choose for your palm tree is very important. The ideal soil is a sandy loam that contains some water-retention capacity and is free of rocks and stones. The pH level of this soil should be between 5 and 6. If your soil does not fit the above specification, you can amend it by mixing sand, loam, humus, and peat to make it suitable for your palm tree.

Maintain a Proper Irrigation System

Palm trees get their water through the roots, so it is important to keep them well watered. If you live in a region with a good amount of rainfall, it might not be necessary to water these plants regularly. However, those living in regions with low rainfall are advised to water their palms once or twice a week, depending on moisture content levels.

Proper Pruning

Generally, it is advised that you prune your palm trees in order to maintain their health and promote growth. When pruning the tree, make sure you only remove the dead and dying leaves. Also, be keen enough not to damage the cambium, which is located a few inches below the tree’s surface. If you aren’t sure about this process, you can contact a local residential tree service company for assistance. Professionals can help you out and show you how to prune properly in the future.

Proper Fertilization

Palm trees need little fertilizer to grow and thrive healthily. Regardless of the soil type, it is important to add organic matter like compost and mulch. The organic matter does contain nutrients that can help improve overall soil fertility. If you want to use chemical fertilizers, make sure they are used in very small amounts, as they can affect the soil pH, endangering your palm tree’s health.

Pest and Disease Control

Palm trees are prone to spider mites and sod mealy bugs. Therefore, if you notice signs of infestation, make sure you treat the problem immediately. Besides pests, there are diseases that can affect palm trees. They include firelight, crown rot, and leaf scorch. You can prevent these diseases by spraying your tree with copper-based fungicides; this will help eliminate the infected tissue.

Final Thoughts

Palm trees are extremely beneficial to the environment and should be given proper care. While many beginners might not be too familiar with palm care, these simple tricks will aid you in maintaining these trees in top condition. You should follow the tips above to keep your palms thriving and healthy for years to come.

Author Bio

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being outdoors and researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure. You can connect with her on Facebook right here and Twitter right here.

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