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The Mourning Commute | 5 Tips to Avoid Dreading the Daily Grind

There’s nothing worse than opening your eyes in the morning, and not just dreading getting out of your warm and cosy bed, but dreading the entire day, even week! Unfortunately, that’s the reality of work life for a lot of people. Perhaps a change of routine could help, maybe even having a new and beautiful office to go to everyday like the ones One Stop Office Interiors offer could help. Whatever it is that can help a long day at the office seem less dreadful is welcome, so, to help with getting up and dragging yourself to work for yet another day, here is a list of 5 tips to avoid dreading the daily grind!

Morning Workout

I know what you’re thinking; waking up in the morning is hard enough, but now exercise? It can seem daunting at first, but exercise can release those good endorphins in you and can kick-start your day with a new positive outlook, it can also help with getting you nice and wide awake before sitting down at your desk so you don’t spend the rest of the day yawning and glancing at the clock, yearning for bed.

Pump Up With Music

If you’re someone who drives to work, you’re probably all too familiar with that oh so great peak hour traffic. A great way to pass this time and also put you in a good mood before reaching the office is to pump yourself up with some of your favourite music, play something upbeat and have a karaoke style sing along with yourself. Having that positivity before you reach work can help you continue the rest of your day with a smile, maybe even pass it onto somebody else.

Set achievable goals

You can’t help but feel a little sense of pride whenever you smash out yet another goal you set for yourself in your daily life, why not make work the same? If you set yourself goals for the day you can start work feeling motivated and finish work with that proud little smile on your face knowing you can exceed even more personal goals the next day.

Make Friends

A great way to pass the time and get you excited for work is to make work friends.

When you make friends at work not only do you have a support system outside of your managing department, but you also have people to spend any spare time between tasks and any breaks with. Having that connection with people at work is a great way to get you excited about getting into the office.

Change your view

Changing the way you look at your job can really help the way you feel about it, it may be hard at first but soon you’ll start seeing the silver linings of it. Rather than looking at the office as a place you go to work and then go home only to do it all again the next day, see it as the reason you are able to exist in this world governed by money, and are able to do the things you love.

Being able to be excited, or even simply happy, about going to work can change a lot of things in your life positively. Try not to let work bring you down too much, remember there are always other options and you should never settle for a job that leaves you feeling unhappy and empty, but if there are ways you can help yourself to feel better at work, why not try them out?

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