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Live in a Cold Climate? 6 Things You Can’t Live Without

Winter can be beautiful, but it can also be brutal, especially if you live in a cold climate. From blizzards to polar vortexes, you need to make sure that you’re prepared for anything. It’s not just about staying warm—it’s about staying safe, healthy, and comfortable. So, what are the six things that you absolutely can’t live without in a cold climate? Read on to find out!

Warm Clothing

First and foremost, you need to have warm clothing. Layers are key. You should have thermal leggings and long-sleeve shirts as your base layer, a sweater or fleece as your mid-layer, and a waterproof and windproof jacket as your outer layer. Don’t forget to accessorize with gloves, hats, scarves, and thick socks.

It’s important to note that not all clothing is created equal when it comes to staying warm in a cold climate. Avoid cotton clothing as it absorbs moisture and can make you feel colder. Instead, opt for fabrics such as wool or synthetic materials designed to wick away sweat and keep you insulated. Additionally, avoid tight-fitting clothes as they can restrict blood flow and actually make you feel colder. Loose-fitting layers are the way to go for maximum warmth and comfort.

Vitamin D Supplements

Don’t forget about vitamin D. During the winter months, the sun’s rays are weaker, which means that you’re getting less vitamin D. This can lead to a range of issues, from depression to weakened immune systems. To make up for the lack of sunlight, take vitamin D supplements or eat foods that are rich in vitamin D, such as salmon, eggs, and fortified milk.

Heating System

Your home’s heating system is crucial. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a freezing home because your heating system has broken down. It’s not just uncomfortable—it can be dangerous. Make sure that you keep your heating system maintained and have a backup plan (such as a space heater) just in case.

If you live in a cold climate, it’s important to have a reliable heating system for your roof as well as the rest of your house. Snow and ice can accumulate on your roof during the winter months, putting excess weight and strain on the structure. This can lead to potential damage or collapse if not properly addressed. Installing a heat system on your roof, such as heat cables or heat tape, can help melt the snow and ice before it becomes a problem. It’s important to have this system in place before winter hits to prevent any potential hazards, so chat with a heating or roofing company, like Bjorkstrand Metal Roofing, to get the job done quick and right.

Snow Removal Tools

In a cold climate, snow is a fact of life. You need to make sure that you can clear your driveway, walkway, and car in a timely manner so you don’t get snowed-in. Invest in a good snow shovel, an ice scraper, and deicing materials. If you’re really serious about snow removal, consider getting a snow blower.

The best time to remove snow is as soon as possible. It’s important to not let the snow pile up too much, as this can make it more difficult to clear later on. Additionally, if the temperature fluctuates and the snow melts and refreezes multiple times, it can create a layer of ice that is even harder to remove. It’s best to clear the snow as soon as it stops falling. If you anticipate heavy snowfall, it may also be beneficial to periodically remove smaller amounts of snow throughout the day rather than waiting until all the snow has accumulated. This can help prevent excessive strain on your body and avoid potential injuries from shoveling or using a snow blower for extended periods of time.

Winter Tires

Winter driving can be treacherous, especially if you don’t have the right tires. Winter tires are designed to handle cold temperatures, snow, and ice. They provide better grip, handling, and braking. Don’t wait until the last minute to switch out your tires—do it before the first snowfall.

To ensure your winter tires are working properly, regularly check the tread depth and overall condition. If there is low tread or any signs of damage, such as cracks or bulges, it’s time to replace them. Additionally, pay attention to how your car handles on snowy or icy roads. If you’re sliding or having trouble maintaining control, it may be a sign that your tires need to be replaced or that you need to adjust your driving habits. It’s better to err on the side of caution and replace your tires sooner rather than later to avoid potential accidents.


Winter weather can wreak havoc on your skin. The cold air, low humidity, and indoor heating can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry, itchy, and even cracked. That’s why moisturizer is a must-have. Apply it daily to your face, hands, and body to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

When looking for a great moisturizer, it’s important to consider your skin type. For dry or sensitive skin, look for a moisturizer that is free of fragrance and contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides to help lock in moisture. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, opt for an oil-free and non-comedogenic (non-clogging) moisturizer. And for those with combination skin, look for a lightweight and non-greasy moisturizer that can hydrate without causing excess oiliness in the T-zone.

Winter can be a challenging time, but with the right supplies and mindset, you can make it through. Remember to stay warm, clear snow properly, stay safe on the road, have heating appliances ready, stock up on winter supplies, and maintain a positive attitude. Surviving winter is possible and can even be enjoyable with the right preparation.

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