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School days: how to keep your kitchen in order during busy school run mornings

Busy mornings can make your school run a nightmare; in the midst of getting grumpy teenagers out of bed and trying to get the little ones dressed, the last thing you need is a failing kitchen.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for your kids, especially when they’re busy and active at school, so to ensure that your kitchen runs efficiently, here are a few top tips for keeping the cogs turning on a busy school morning.


Mornings are stressful enough without the mad panic to cater for your children so do yourself a favour and prepare a little the night before. If your kids pack their lunch you can help take a little morning weight of your shoulders by getting their lunch together before you go to bed.


The same goes for breakfast, having bowls, cereal and extras already out on the table will save you a world of time and stress when the mad rush comes in the morning.



Although an odd sounding tip, being safe in the morning can be the most beneficial tip for you in the mornings. Nothing wastes time quite like rushing through cutting the fruit and slicing your finger. By working through your kitchen safely, and sometimes slowly, you can get everyone up and out the door, fed and watered in no time.

Cutting yourself or breaking appliances when you’re rushing through the morning motions can be a nightmare and impossible to clean up, so play it safe and treat your kitchen with respect when catering for your kids in the morning.



Insuring your home will mean that even when everything goes horribly wrong, you can still get the family up and out. Kitchenware is often of high value and susceptible to being stolen, so insuring your home and all that is in it can help you keep plodding on through the busy school days. More Than home and contents insurance lets you feel safe in the knowledge that the heart of your home will always stay safe and your busy schedule can be left uninterrupted.


Don’t let silly things get in the way of you enjoying quality morning time with your kids; keep things running smoothly and you’ll be ready to go without the stressful tears.

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