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Important Landscaping to Have on Your Radar for Fall

Summer has come to a close and it’s time to prepare your yard for the upcoming fall season. The cooler temperatures and shorter days of fall provide a great opportunity for homeowners to perform necessary landscaping maintenance. This blog post will discuss the important landscaping tasks that should be on your radar for fall to ensure your yard looks its best all year round.

Transplanting Trees and Shrubs

Fall is an ideal time to transplant trees and shrubs because the cooler temperatures and increased moisture help minimize the stress on these plants. This is also the time to relocate plants that have outgrown their current location, or remove them entirely with help from professionals like CM Precision Tree and Landscape Maintenance Inc. Make sure to choose an area with enough space and proper sunlight exposure for the plant to thrive. Always water the plant thoroughly after transplanting and keep an eye on it as it establishes itself in its new location.

Lawn Aeration

Aeration is the process of removing small cores of soil from your lawn to allow water, air, and nutrients to penetrate the roots more easily. This helps create a healthier lawn with stronger roots, which is especially important as the winter months approach. Fall is the perfect time to aerate your lawn because the ground is softer from recent rainfall and the cooler temperatures help prevent stress on the grass.


Fertilizing your lawn in the fall is important for promoting healthy growth and preparing it for the winter months. A slow-release fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium will help strengthen your grass’s roots and improve its ability to withstand cold temperatures. Make sure to choose a fertilizer that is appropriate for your specific lawn type and always follow the application instructions carefully.

Leaf Removal

Although the beautiful autumn leaves are a sight to see, they can also cause issues with your lawn if not removed timely. A thick layer of leaves can trap moisture and lead to mold and fungus growth. Leaves can also create an ideal environment for pesky insects and rodents. Therefore, it’s essential to keep leaves raked up and composted or properly disposed of to prevent damage to your lawn.


Fall is an optimal time for pruning because most trees, shrubs, and perennials are dormant during this season. The removal of dead limbs and diseased areas will give these plants a chance to heal and grow stronger. Make sure to use sterilized pruning tools and techniques, so as not to spread any plant diseases.

Maintaining your yard during the fall months can help promote a healthier, more attractive lawn all year round. By transplanting trees and shrubs, aerating, fertilizing, removing leaves, and pruning, you can ensure that your yard is ready for winter and prepared to thrive in the spring.

Author Bio

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family, and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can follow her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.

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