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How to Use Your Water Heater for Optimum Efficiency

You and your family probably use your water heater every single day, and that device might be costing you quite a bit of money if it isn’t well-maintained. Luckily, there are a few simple steps that all homeowners can take to ensure that their water heaters are working as efficiently as possible.

Regular Flushes

According to many experts, the average water heater needs to be flushed at least once a year. Over the course of a few months, sediment is going to collect in your water heater, and that will have a big impact on its efficiency. Flushing your water heater requires nothing more than a garden hose and a few basic tools. Once it has been flushed, you must make sure that you fill the basin back up before you turn the water heater on.

Photo by Laura Gompertz Interiors Ltd

Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs of Damage

Even seemingly minor problems with your water heater could quickly escalate into major damage before you know it. Some of the most common signs that you should keep an eye out for include loud bangs when the water heater is being used, tap water that smells unusual, and a limited supply of hot water. If you have noticed any of those signs, then you must immediately contact a water heater and boiler repair company.

Photo by Flair Interiors Ltd

Insulate the Pipes

Most residential water pipes don’t have any type of insulation, and that means quite a bit of heat transfer is going to take place. Your water heater will have to work much harder if the water is dropping a few degrees before it gets to the faucets or showerheads. Insulating the pipes will limit heat transfer, and that is going to put less strain on your water heater.

Photo by Canada Furnace Heating & Air Conditioning

Adjust the Temperature

Adjusting the temperature of your water heater is another simple task that could save you quite a bit of money. While everyone has slightly different preferences, the Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends that you set your water heater below 120 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent injuries. You can also set your water heater even lower if you have sensitive skin.

Photo by Moneyhill Interiors

If you have tried these few tips and are still struggling with intermittent hot water or high utility bills, then it might be time to switch over to a tankless water heater. Those devices are extremely efficient, and one of them could end up paying for itself within just a few months.

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