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How to Take Your Entertainment Center to the Next Level

Entertainment centers are the perfect way to bring your home entertainment experience to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a dedicated space to watch movies, play video games, or host a home theatre experience, an entertainment center is a perfect way to do it. With modern designs and a customizable look, entertainment centers give you the freedom to create a unique home theatre experience. You can create a space that reflects your style with all the options available.

1. Cover The Wires

You’ll realize that many wires and cables are involved with the installation of an entertainment center. To ensure your entertainment room looks neat and tidy, get wire covers or wrap up exposed wires. Not only will this make the area look more organized, but it will also help keep your family safe by eliminating any potential tripping hazards. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you can also consider investing in a power strip that hides all your cables and wires in one neat package.

Photo by VBM Home

2. Upgrade Your Hardware

Once you’ve covered the wires and organized your space, you can start upgrading your hardware. This might be as simple as upgrading your cable package. A simple search such as ‘best cable providers in my area‘ will help you find an option that provides all the high-def stations you need. Adding a surround sound system will enhance any home theatre experience. Installing a larger television or getting a projector can add to the immersive experience as well. If you’re looking for a more modern setup, you can upgrade your hardware to include voice commands, motion controls, and even virtual reality. If you’re more into books, adding a new cabinet or shelving unit to house your library can also make a dramatic difference.

Photo by Automated Homes Inc.

3. Add Greenery

House plants are a great way to add color, texture, and life to any room. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also help purify the air and make the room feel more inviting. Whether you choose a floor plant or something on a shelf, adding greenery can take your entertainment center to the next level. You can add faux plants or wall décor incorporating plants or natural elements for an even more significant impact. Adding accent pieces like rugs, lamps, or wall art can help tie the room together. By piecing together the right combination of hardware and decorative items, you can create an entertainment center that fits your needs and looks fantastic.

Photo by Debbie Dahl Interiors

4. Light It Up

Lighting is essential in creating the right atmosphere for your entertainment center. From adding accent lighting to using dimmers, you can control the level of light in the room. Lights can also be used to highlight certain features of the room, such as a TV or artwork. If you’re looking for a more modern touch, you could also consider installing LED lights to add a unique and exciting look to your space. If you have limited space, you can opt for a projector with a built-in light source to avoid using additional fixtures.

Photo by Landmark Custom Builder & Remodeling, LLC

5. Personalize with Photos

Consider adding personal touches like photos or artwork to make your entertainment center stand out. Not only does this let you show off your style, but it also helps create a feeling of home. You can hang family photos, travel posters, or art prints to add to the atmosphere. Alternatively, you can add other pieces, such as books or magazines, for an eclectic look. If you’re feeling creative, you can create your own artwork or DIY projects to show off your personality. Adding something unique like this will make your entertainment center stand out and reflect your style and creativity.

Photo by Duet Design Group

6. Combined Furniture Pieces

Since you’ll have different furniture in the room, combine them to create the perfect look. Whether you opt for furniture pieces that match in color or go with contrasting styles, consider the size of the room and make sure your furniture is scaled accordingly. You can add pieces like benches or ottomans to create more seating or storage space. Be sure to choose comfortable and functional pieces so you can get the most out of your entertainment center.

Photo by Max Michelle Interiors

Bottom Line

Creating the perfect entertainment center can be a fun and rewarding process. The possibilities are endless, from finding the right hardware to adding creative touches. Taking the time to plan out the design of your entertainment center can help you create an immersive and inviting space that is sure to impress.

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