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How Does an Escape Room Work for Team Building? 7 Easy Answers

When wondering how does an escape room work for team building, look no further than this article to find the answers you and your company are looking for. All offices or companies eventually hit a rut in the day to day minutia of work.

We often fall into patterns of doing things. Sometimes these patterns are good and efficient, and other times they aren’t. Additionally, it’s easy for people to get entrenched in the views about their work environment, including other members of the team.

If these views are negative, this can become potentially detrimental to the team, and even the company itself. These companies should consider using an escape room for team building. But how does an escape room work to accomplish that? Keep reading to find out!

How Does an Escape Room Work for Team Building?

Imagine an environment completely devoid of the traditional workplace setting. Now, add a common goal, complex puzzles, and a new experience.  This will help people forget about work and simply enjoy what they’re doing. Best yet, they will enjoy doing it with their co-workers. This may even serve to build or enhance relationships.

1. Focus on a Common Goal

How does an escape room work for team building? It gives all of your employees a common objective. It puts them all in the exact same predicament and forces them to work together. An Escape Room has multiple small puzzles to solve in order to reach the ultimate goal of escaping!

SparkFun Electronics from Boulder, USA [CC BY 2.0]

2. Improve Communication

Escape rooms also force people to communicate. While each person can work on separate tasks, the overall goal is what matters. In order to effectively achieve that goal, participants must communicate well, so that all the pieces can come together for the win.

3. Hone Creativity and Problem Solving Skills

Escape rooms also help improve your team by helping them access their creative sides, including their problem-solving abilities. Escape rooms help people get out of their own heads to think outside of the box. This trait can be used for solving problems at work, and may even improve confidence and productivity.

4. Uncover Strengths and Weaknesses

A team-building session at an escape room helps uncover employees strengths and weaknesses. Their strengths may shine outside of a work environment where they may get in their own way. However, it will help give them the confidence to carry those strengths back into the office. It may also serve to exhibit weaknesses, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It could show where some major flaws in the system are.

5. Change the Environment

How does an escape room work for team building? It changes the environment. People love weekend and vacations for one reason. It’s not working. While it’s possible to enjoy your job and love your co-workers, most people prefer their time away from work. Trying to do a team-building exercise at work still puts people in the mindset of “I’m stuck at work.”

SparkFun Electronics from Boulder, USA [CC BY 2.0]

6. Remove Traditional Roles

Imagine your employees in an environment where they are freed from their typical roles at work (both professionally and personally). An escape room provides an opportunity for people to shed their work personas and become less inhibited.

These workplace roles sometimes cause rifts between co-workers. They can also make people nervous, stunting their ability to perform well. These negative attitudes can be completely detrimental to work environments.

7. Provide a Fun Experience

How does an escape room work for team building? It provides a fun experience for your employees! Taking everyone out for a new experience where they can work together with no pressure or work-related stress weighing on their shoulders can be hugely beneficial.

ORpretom [CC BY-SA 4.]

Workplace relationships, roles, and efficiency can be largely improved by a positive experience.

Give It a Try

How does an escape room work for team building? It works by providing new experiences and opportunities. Escape rooms will place your employees in a low stress, fun environment where they can shine and let loose. If you haven’t already, consider given an escape room a try to see what it can do for your employees.

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