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Home Innovations: How to Incorporate Security Features in Your Design

When it comes to home security, you can never be too careful. Countless burglaries and home invasions take place every single year, and you need to do everything in your power to keep your family safe. Here are a few steps that you can take to make your home as secure as possible.

Start with a Whole-House Security System

Even though home security systems aren’t perfect, studies have revealed that they are a major deterrent. When many criminals see security cameras and door sensors, they won’t even bother with that home. Modern security systems are more affordable than ever, and some insurance companies will even drop your home insurance premiums if you have one of those systems installed.

Reinforce All Entryways

A high-quality security door is one of the best investments that a homeowner can make. A traditional wooden door might seem sturdy, but it is only going to be strong as its weakest link. When a criminal kicks a traditional door, it will most likely break through the jamb or knock out the hinges. Security doors, on the other hand, have reinforced components that are much more difficult to damage. Many of them are even made from metal alloys that were designed to resist impacts.

Upgrade Your Windows

If a criminal knows that you have security doors, then they might try to go through a window. You won’t ever be able to make your windows completely unbreakable, but you can do quite a bit to reinforce them. One of the most effective ways to make a window stronger is to apply a layer of security film. As an added bonus, security film can also reduce your heating and cooling expenses by limiting heat transfer.

Make Sure There is Plenty of Light

Burglars want to be as inconspicuous as possible, and that is why many of them look for homes that have dark yards. As you are working on your home, you need to make sure that there are multiple lights in every yard. You might also want to remove any bushes or trees that obscure your vision. A clear and well-lit yard is going to be much harder for a criminal to sneak across.

In addition to these tips, you should also consider scheduling a home security audit with a reputable security firm. During that audit, a security specialist is going to carefully look at every inch of your property to see if there are any potential risks or liabilities.

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