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Get Involved: 4 Ways to Participate in Community Service

Helping out in your community may be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Besides this, you’ll be contributing to the well-being of society as well. You can participate in creating a better world by getting involved in these activities.

Fundraise for Charity

You can do this on your own or organize a group to raise funds. This may be for a church, pet shelter or nonprofit organization. Have a bake sale, ask for donations for your birthday or organize another event of your choice. You can also have friends, family and others donate well-needed items by setting out a donation box. Give gently used items such as old coats or crayons to homeless shelters, hospitals or schools. You need to to look into the fundraising ideas and pick the one option that will be most beneficial for everyone.

Tutor or Mentor

Many people are often in need of help with homework or don’t have a good role model at home. If you’re good at math, English or others, you may be able to put your skills to good use. You can also read to kids at your local library. To be a good mentor, you must be empathetic, a great listener and have a sincere interest in helping youth. Provide guidance and support for kids who need answers to important questions and help with things life never taught them.

Help Animals

If you’re an animal lover, you can get involved in a variety of ways. You can volunteer at a local shelter to walk a dog, play with pets or do administrative tasks. Creative ways to help are taking photographs of adoptable pets, writing inspiring articles or doing graphic design. You might even want to consider picking up litter or cleaning public areas to help in the safety of animals. Road brooms are useful for moving debris off roadsides and sidewalks, plus they can be more versatile than traditional brooms. You can also foster or adopt a pet to give it the unconditional love it desperately needs and deserves.

Do Art

You don’t have to be a professional artist to inspire others with your creative talents. Doing art can be fun and benefit society at the same time. You can volunteer to help disabled people or prisoners express their feelings in a healthy way by doing art. Paint park benches or donate art supplies to a school.

By helping to make your community more positive, you’ll be discouraging crime, improving the environment and inspiring others to be better. You may also find like-minded people who become lifelong friends. A positive mindset can go a long way towards a better life for everyone.

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