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Your Garden Requires Extra Care in Summer

Gardening can be an excellent stress reducer. Fruit and vegetable gardens are excellent source of fresh fruits and vegetables and can start you on your journey of healthier eating. Herb gardens offer the convenience of fresh herbs at your fingertips. Flower gardens bring beauty to your home. Whatever your reason for becoming a reliable gardener is, proper garden care is required in order for your garden to flourish and remain bountiful treasures.

During the hot, dry summer months, additional garden maintenance is required. By this time, you have already planted your seeds and plants. Your garden is growing but still needs to survive these crucial months. You need to protect your precious garden plants from intense heat, possible droughts if there isn’t enough rain and the abundant amount of insects that come out during the summer.


Watering of plants is required from the time of planting. During the long, hot summer months, the ground and air are dryer than other seasons. You need to ensure your plants have enough water to survive these conditions. Watering deeply once a week, then periodically throughout can help ensure this. The best times to water your garden is early in the morning or early in the evening. You should not be watering your plants in direct sunlight.


If you did not lay down mulch in the spring, you should consider doing this in the summer. Mulch helps to keep the roots of your plants cool and moist. This is especially beneficial during the hottest, dryest months. During drought-like conditions, moisture can evaporate. Mulch will help to prevent or lessen this effect.


Weeds grow at a much faster rate than your garden’s plants. They can pop up overnight, stealing precious water and nutrients your plants need to survive. Make sure you look for weeds when you water your plants and pull them out from the roots. Weeds are easiest pulled when they are young and have not set deep roots yet or spread their seeds.


Some insects love gardens and will destroy your plants. Be aware of any abnormalities in your plants. You may need to invest in some type of pesticide;there are many DIY chemical-free recipes available nowadays too.

Add Color

As the summer wears on, flowers can fade. Some flowers you planted in early spring only have a survival rate of a couple months. Replace old, faded flowers with new, vibrant colored flowers. This will ensure a beautiful flower garden all season long. You can also plant flowers at different stages. Try planting some seeds and some flowers, then by the time your flowers are fading and ready to be pulled, you have more beautiful flowers blossoming.

If you require help, contact your local gardening services and everything will be fine. But even without them, you should be able to handle a simple garden. And then you can enjoy it to the fullest.

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