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Feng Shui: Decorate Your Home for Emotional Health

A part of being healthy is your emotional health. There are three aspects to every human being and their wellness. They are physical, mental, and emotional. To be truly healthy, every part of oneself needs care and feeding every single day.

Our spiritual health is tied in part to our emotional health and in part to our mental health. Even physical health plays a role, and we need to be aware of these things if we want to be truly healthy. This is where feng shui comes in. The way we arrange and decorate our homes has a lot to do with how we feel spiritually and emotionally.

Here are some ways you can decorate your home for better emotional health.

Clear Your Clutter

Clutter has a big effect on how we feel. It can, in and of itself, cause anxiety and stress. The key is to get rid of everything in your home you do not love. Think of it like this: if you have extra stuff around, it is not only harming the way you feel, it has other negative effects as well.

It is a matter of lightening up. Abundance is more of a state of mind than actually having a lot of things, so getting rid of what you don’t need is vital to emotional success.

The benefits of getting rid of clutter go far beyond the emotional benefit, but if you want to be healthy in that area, ridding your life of clutter is essential.

Invite Air and Light

Good feng shui is also all about air and light. Inviting good air and light into your home is critical. How do you get good air into your home? It is simple. Open windows often. Add air purifying plants to various rooms, and use an air purifier in interior rooms.

The same is true for light. Open windows when you can. Install skylights where possible and use full spectrum bulbs in as many rooms as you can. The healing power of good light is essential to your emotional health.

Many Americans suffer from Seasonal Affect Disorder, or S.A.D. The right use of light can actually treat and reverse the symptoms of this condition, creating better emotional health. Light therapy is also proven to help those with chronic depression, anxiety, and stress reduce symptoms and their dependence on medication and other treatments.

Know the Five Feng Shui Elements

The five feng shui elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The study of these elements is critical to mapping your energy in your home, and using the right elements in the right places.

The most important thing to understand at the surface is that incorporating all of these elements in your decorating in a number of ways will bring good energy to any space. The direction you place them, and where to put what elements is a part of your emotional map and that of your home.

There are a number of studies online that discuss these elements and their use, and you would do well to study them when decorating your space.

The Importance of the right Decor

The right things for your space not only need to be made up of the right elements, but they need to be set up in the proper arrangement. From the arrangement and type of your furniture to the orientation of your area rugs and the materials they are made of, everything can affect your feng shui one way or another.

This all has an impact on the chi, or energy in your home. The décor must match the elements of the room, an energy theme if you will, and that theme will depend on what you are trying to attract into that space. For instance, if you are working on attracting health, you will incorporate the element of wood in the form of plants and wood furniture in the east side of your home.

Therefore if your living room faces east or is on the east side of your home, a window sill of plants and wood furniture like end tables and coffee tables will help the feng shui in that room align with the chi you desire and help you accomplish your goals.

Be Mindful of the Quality of Energy in Your Home

Your bedroom, bathroom, and your kitchen are all really vital to the feng shui of your space and are often called the holy trinity of spaces. Always be mindful of the energy in your home, especially in these areas. Be wise, and fuse elements and crystals to make this energy pure.

Remember, nothing is static when it comes to chi and the energy in your home. Things are always changing, as are your goals and the things you are pursuing, so you will need to modify your feng shui accordingly.

Keep your energy pure, bad energy out and good energy in, and do it through your décor as well as other methods. You will have a happier home and your emotional health will improve.

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