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Essential Road Trip Gear: What to Pack for an Epic Adventure

There is nothing as thrilling as hitting the highway as you start on a road trip. The windows are rolled down and the wind is whipping through your hair, while a beaty track plays loudly from your speakers. You are off to enjoy the adventure of a lifetime.

However, you are leaving the comfort and convenience of your home—a place where you have running water, unlimited electricity, and the luxurious comfort of your own pillows.

From comfort to convenience, the items you pack will directly impact your overall experience. So, before you embark on this journey, you need to ensure you have the most essential road trip gear to prepare you for an epic adventure.

Prepare Your Vehicle for the Journey

Before you leave home, it is important to check your car and ensure it will get you to your destination safely. You need to check things like the tire pressure and check fluids in your car. A great tip is to always keep a spare bottle of water and oil in your vehicle.

Check that you have jumper cables, a spare tire, a jack, and a wrench. Also, pack a multi-tool in case you need to make some quick, easy repairs on the road.

For the Road Trip

Navigation system

Having a reliable navigation system is essential for getting you to your destination. Your car may be fitted with GPS, but some apps will guide you on your journey too. Google Maps is essential for any road tripper.


Ensure that you pack your mobile phone, charger, and maybe even a backup battery. Remember that not all places use the same plugs, so if you are traveling between certain countries outside of North America, you may need a universal connector or even a power converter. Be mindful that there are bound to be a few dead zones throughout your travels, so be prepared to lose connectivity from time to time.


Keep a copy of your vehicle registration, driver’s license, and insurance information readily available in case of an accident.

A Neck Pillow

If you have a long stretch of road ahead, a neck pillow will offer some neck support.

Sleeping Gear

Having a sleeping bag ensures that you can still get some sleep no matter where you are, even if you have to pull over on the roadside.

Be Comfortable

If the journey is long, you want to avoid bodily aches and pains. Especially if you are braving a motorcycle adventure, not enough emphasis can be put on having comfortable seats.

Keep your Energy Up

Pack a cooler box with some snacks, sandwiches, fruit, biscuits, and water. You can take frequent breaks along your journey and nibble on something as you go. This will help keep your energy up and ensure that you do not overeat and develop puppy syndrome (where you want to sleep after eating too much).

For Emergencies

Emergency Kit

Always have an emergency kit available. It should contain some medical supplies for an emergency situation. You should also pack a flashlight with spare batteries into your emergency kit. Add a bottle of water and a packet of crackers, and your emergency kit is complete.

Bug Spray

While it may be something we tend to forget, having insect repellent is essential for maximum comfort and to ward off pesky bugs like flies and mosquitoes.

Hand Sanitizer

While there may not be a pandemic currently, hand sanitizer will help to kill off any germs you pick up along the way. Not only will it help you stay clean, but it will also keep you refreshed.

Tissue Paper

It is important to keep some toilet paper around for emergencies. If there are no nearby amenities and you are stuck in the wild, rather have some tissue paper for those unexpected emergency stops.

Weather Protection

Having enough sun protection is imperative. Keep sunscreen and a sun hat available at all times. Your sunscreen should be a minimum of SPF 30 for mild sunshine. While we are on the topic of weather, make sure to pack an umbrella as well!

For Fun


Capture as many memories as you can. Your epic adventure will be a unique experience, and if you caught special moments on camera, you can relive your adventure through pictures. Whether you were watching sunsets on the beach or climbing mountains, your adventure needs to be remembered.


Of course, you won’t be driving all the time. There will be times when you are resting or relaxing for the night. Have some sort of entertainment available for the driver and the passenger.

Final Thoughts

Essentially, you need to have an emergency kit for “just in case” that contains food, water, and basic medical supplies. You also need comfort, music, and a camera to capture all the great moments of your adventure.

With the right gear packed, you will be prepared for anything on the open roads. As soon as you leave the city limits, you will find a great adventure awaits. The journey should be just that – a journey. It is not the destination that counts as much as it is the epic adventure that got you there.

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