It is estimated that there is 1.386 billion kilometres cubed of water on Earth. Unfortunately 97.5% of this is salt water which humans cannot consume! To make matters worse while rain water is effectively pure, it becomes contaminated before it reaches our drinking supply. This happens as it travels through the rocks and soil, picking up minerals and other deposits on the way. This is why all water is treated at your treatment plant before being sent down the pipes to your home.
The suggestion is that this water is then safe to drink. Yet, despite this, thousands of homes currently use an under sink water filter. This leads to the question of whether these are a necessity, can tap water be harmful to your health?
The Theory
Chemicals such as chlorine are added to water to kill bacteria. It is also pushed through massive filters to ensure any debris is removed. The water is then tested to ensure it is safe to drink, before being sent to your home. Unfortunately there are several issues that this does not cover.
The Pipe work
There are thousands of kilometres of pipes running through the country. These carry your treated water but it is impossible to monitor every single pipe. Time and nature can degrade pipes. This will allow the material of the pipe to seep into your water. Tiny splits in the pipe can also occur which can allow miniscule bacteria into the water. This will not be treated again before it reaches your home. Because it’s impossible to monitor every single bit of pipe it is likely that the issue will not be discovered until people start falling ill.
The Chemicals
Chemicals have been used for years to treat water. However, the addition of chorine and fluoride into the water supply has raised concerns. Studies into the long term effects of chlorine on the body suggest that it has an oxygen depleting effect. This will make the pH of your body more acidic which will reduce the effectiveness of your immune system! It has been suggested that this will make you more prone to illness and allergies.
Fluoride is added not to treat water but to strengthen teeth! This was the result of a survey conducted many years ago which showed people who drink fluorinated water have less cavities. Unfortunately this research is overwhelmed by the studies that show fluoride should actually be classified as a bio-accumulative poison. It actually attacks the immune system and may even damage your teeth!
The Solution
While scientists continue to debate the effects of these minerals and the likelihood of bacteria getting back into the water supply you can take a simple step to ensure your water is safe. All you need to do is install a carbon filter into your water supply. This can be done on just one pipe to give you a drinking water tap. Or you can choose to do the whole house. Carbon acts as a debris blocker and removes 99.9% of bacteria and minerals. You’ll notice the difference in the taste of your drinking water!