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Best Plants for Bedroom Oxygen

Plants do more than just adding a little color to your home. They let you breathe easy and fresh even when you are indoors!

With most of us spending a lot of time indoors, it is necessary to not just beautify our surroundings but also to ensure fresh air. Plants do both! This is why they serve as the best pieces of décor for the bedroom. In fact, a few indoor plants even have healing properties! Isn’t that cool?

Now, without further ado, let’s skim through the best plants for bedroom oxygen so that you spruce up the place with your favorites!

Rubber plant

Its scientific name is Ficus elastica, and it is a strong plant! Its large leaves can make it the center of attraction of your bedroom. It is also very easy to maintain as it needs just a moderate amount of water. Some individuals prefer to prune it from time to time. If you wish to do so as well, make sure you wear gloves.

Aloe Vera

If you thought aloe vera was just a medicinal plant, you thought wrong. It is much more than that! It is beautiful to look at and is capable of removing toxins from the air. Also, during the night, it releases oxygen, unlike most others. If your bedroom gets a lot of sunlight, this is the plant for you for sure.

Just remember that aloe vera does not need a lot of water. Overwatering is a major reason why it does not flourish. So, be careful!

Weeping fig

These plants also clear the air and remove toxins such as xylene. They are also unique to look at, making them a perfect addition to the bedroom interiors. Make sure you keep the plant in a corner that receives a good amount of sunlight and water it regularly.

Peace lily

If you have never had an indoor plant, the peace lily is the right one for you. It doesn’t require a lot of sunlight or maintenance. It is best suited for residences in dry areas because it removes humidity from the air. Alongside this, it keeps toxins at bay.

Snake plant

People who want a plant that requires almost zero maintenance can go with the snake plant. It is popularly called the mother-in-law’s tongue and is a low maintenance plant. It requires very little sunlight and can withstand being ignored for some time. Just like aloe vera, it releases oxygen at night and keeps smog, formaldehyde, etc. away.

English Ivy

If you are up for some upkeep, the English Ivy can be your best friend. Its needs change with seasons. For example, it needs ample light during winters and moderate light in summer. So, you may need to install a fluorescent light for it. Besides that, it is quite easy to maintain. It does not need a lot of water. So, you can wait until the soil starts drying to water it. But don’t let it dry completely.


Aromatherapy anyone? Lavender is an amazing plant, and if you are a pro, you can grow it indoors too. It needs direct sunlight every day and a moderate amount of water. Along with purifying the air, it is therapeutic in that it can create a calming environment. That’s why we recommend it for the bedroom.


Rosemary doesn’t just belong in the kitchen! This lovely herb serves as a great bedroom plant as well. Just make sure it gets lots of light during the day and water it once the soil dries to about an inch.

Pro tip – keep turning the pot weekly so that it grows well.


It doesn’t get easier than Pothos. Trust us! Water it every now and then, and give it some sunlight (and some love). That’s about it! It will grow easily, and the vining stems will spread within no time. You can, of course, prune them based on your preference.

Chinese Evergreen

This is another wonderful and easy-to-grow plant, perfect for beginners. Its shiny leaves add some beauty to the bedroom while purifying the air. It doesn’t need a lot of sunlight, but it hates cold temperatures. Keep it away from the draft and ensure that the soil is moist at all times.

By now, we are positive that you have a favorite plant (or two). So, what are you waiting for? Purchase it and purify the air in your bedroom. The beauty these plants bring is a huge added bonus!

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