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The Benefits of Creating a Passive House

How our homes look and feel can be crucial to our lifestyle, and can impact how much we enjoy spending time in it. Both architecture and interior design are vital aspects of building a beautiful home, in order to create something that you love. Whether it’s renovating, redecorating or completely starting from scratch, considering architectural designs and décor can be incredibly important. With so many different elements of a home to consider, drawing your attention to structural design may be a good place to start if you’re looking to improve your home.

When it comes to energy efficiency and making sure your home is performing to a high standard, as well as being comfortable to relax in, there is a growing trend of creating passive houses. But what does the concept of a passive house mean, and why should you consider having one?

Photo by BarlisWedlick Architects

What Is a Passive House?

The term ‘passive house’ refers to a construction concept and a building standard that is both energy efficient and comfortable. However, it is much more than just a low-energy building and can have a bigger impact than first meets the eye.

Photo by ZeroEnergy Design

The passive house is one of the fastest growing energy standards in the world; it can be applied in any climate around the world. To date, passive houses have been created across Europe, Australia, China and the USA to name a few.

Photo by NZ Builders Ltd

Beginning in the early 1900s in Germany, this structural standard can be applied to homes as well as commercial and industrial buildings. But how does it work?

How Does a Passive House Work?

A passive house is classified as a building that delivers thermal comfort and an energy performance standard that can save you money on your energy bills in the long run. The required heating energy for a passive house is 10% of what is needed for a conventional home.

Photo by Prefabulous World

It works by ensuring that little heat is lost through the home itself, and using the existing heat in the home from solar radiation and heat from appliances and inhabitants. By using essential principles such as insulated glazing and thermal frames in the windows of passive houses, it is much easier to heat up and cool down a home.

Photo by Hammer & Hand

A passive house includes suitable windows that controls ventilation, ensuring hygienic air flows through your home and humidity is reduced. The magic of a passive house is that it can achieve this without losing heat.

Benefits Of a Passive House

While it may sound like a complete overhaul of your home’s architecture and construction, creating a passive house can create long term benefits that improve your home for years to come.

Photo by DLP Architecture Inc.

As we become more aware of our impact on the environment, we have begun to make changes to slow down the threat of climate change and using up our resources too quickly. Having a passive house can save energy and even reduce greenhouse gases, as it requires much less energy to heat. In some cases, homes don’t require a heating system at all!

Photo by Jim Burton Architects

Not only that, but the design element of a passive house results in a stunning home for you and your family to enjoy relaxing in. Creating an efficient way of living, a passive house performs to a high standard.

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