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How to Avoid the Most Common Plumbing Problems This Summer

How to Avoid the Most Common Plumbing Problems This Summer

Plumbing problems tend to be associated with the winter with the likes of overworked water heaters and frozen pipes. However, the warmer months bring about their own set of problems. Below, we are going to take a look at some of the most common plumbing problems during the summer and how you can avoid them. If you do not feel confident resolving any plumbing issue yourself, you should get in touch with one of the top quality 24 hour plumbers in Melbourne that are available, but these tips should help you avoid some of the more common issues.

Mouldy or clogged air conditioning drains

Mould can thrive on air conditioning units, as they remain moist for most of the summer.

This can also create blockages. Blocked water will start leaking from the unit because it has nowhere to go. If you do not notice the leak straight away, more damage could occur. The best thing to do is get your air-con units inspected and cleaned before the summer every year.

Clogged toilets

A clogged toilet can occur at any time throughout the year, but when the kids are off school, there is a greater chance of a disaster happening. They may use way more toilet paper than is necessary, and you would be surprised by how many children’s toys end up down the toilet. It is a good idea to take the chance to tell your children about how important it is to only use a small amount of paper, and to only flush the toilet once they have actually been. Of course, if something gets lodged in the toilet, and a plunger won’t do the trick, you will need a professional.

Issues with your sprinkler system

During the summer months, sprinklers are vital to keep your garden looking green and lush. However, if you do not look at the heads properly, they can develop issues. Every season, you should look for debris and dirt on the sprinkler heads, which would stop them from working properly. When mowing the lawn, don’t forget to lower the showerheads so that you do not cause any damage to the system.

Overloaded washing machines

It can be tempting to pack your washing machine until it is ready to burst – one more piece of clothing won’t hurt! Unfortunately, it could. You could break your machine by packing it with towels, clothes and bed linen. This could cause a flood in your home. While you may have more to wash during the summer, you should keep your loads to a good size. Also, pull your washing machine out from the wall so that you can avoid kinked hoses and overheating.

Overworked water heaters

We tend to assume that this is a winter problem, however, you could easily overwork your water heater during the summer months as well. After all, it’s likely you will be showering a lot more due to the hot weather and you will have all of the extra laundry to attend to as well. It is always a good idea to have your water heater inspected if you have had it for quite a while.

Clogged disposal

If you are like most, and love having barbeques during the summer months, you need to be extra careful regarding the disposal of food. It can be tempting to shove food down the sink when you have got so much to clean up, but this can lead to stubborn clogs. One thing you should never do is pour cooking oil down the sink, as this will solidify and can cause serious issues.

So there you have it; some of the common plumbing problems that we are sure you could do without this summer. If you follow the tips provided, you should have no problem. However, if you are unlucky enough to suffer a plumbing disaster, there are plenty of plumbers in Melbourne that can help you.

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