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7 Must-Have Smartphone Apps to Make Your Life Easier

The original point of the smartphone was to make communication with others more convenient. It has since evolved into a pocket-sized computer that touches on almost every aspect of people’s lives through various apps. Meditation apps, finance managers, mobile VPNs, fitness trackers, and more help make people’s lives easier. Here’s a list of 7 apps that are essential for any smartphone user in 2019.

The mobile industry is enormous, and the app market is flooded with hundreds of new apps every day. Some are great while others are simply garbage, but it can be hard to figure out which is which at first glance. Then there’s always the potential issue of privacy breaches and malware – something that’s more prominent today than ever before.

That’s why it’s imperative that people download trusted apps that can deliver on their promises. To that end, check out these 7 reliable apps.

1. Calm

Meditation apps are all the rage right now. One of the best ones in the market is Calm. Mobile phones can be as much a factor in daily stress as they are in convenience. This app aims to rectify that by bringing peace back to people. The app has over a hundred guided meditations and stretching lessons.

Available: iOS | Android

2. Google Lens

Often wonder about something, but there was no way of finding out more about it through a conventional search? Well, the world’s largest search engine has that covered too with Google Lens. This app lets people take a picture and find more info about whatever’s in the picture. From that outfit someone wore at the mall to a neighbor’s new house plant, and everything in-between.

Available: Android

3. Genius Scan

The marvel of new smartphone technology is that it replaces and compacts old ones, like scanners. Genius Scan uses the smartphone’s camera to ‘scan’ any document or paper and render it. It’s much better than simply taking a photo because the app straightens and enhances the text, and corrects lighting. It also makes exporting to documents much easier.

Available: iOS | Android

4. Any Mobile VPN App

Privacy and online security are just as important on a smartphone as on a computer. People use smartphones to manage their finances, personal identity documents, and work details. It’s important to protect all of that data with a mobile VPN app.

A virtual private network uses what’s known as a “tunnel” to protect any data being sent or received. Even if someone from the outside gets access to that data, it is encrypted so they won’t be able to decipher it.

No specific app has been listed here because mobile VPN apps offer different features. Everyone needs to find the one that meets their online habits and privacy needs. Most VPN services are relatively cheap and very easy to set up.

Available: iOS | Android

5. You Need a Budget

YNAB is one of the more popular financial management apps currently available. It is a paid app but has a 34-day free trial (yes, 34-, not 30-) for people to try out first. It can be hard to keep track of spending these days since most transactions are now digital. Especially for couples. Plus, who has the time to effectively budget anymore?

There are plenty of finance managers out there, but YNAB is one of the few that analyzes spending patterns and makes suggestions to help save money. Credit cards and bank accounts can be linked to the app to keep track of every cent going in and out.

Available: iOS | Android

6. MyFitnessPal

Exercise is important but eating right is vital to losing weight. MyFitnessPal acts as a calorie counter and food diary. People can log all of their meals and exercise on the app, and it will tell them how much calories they consumed/burned that day.

It also predicts how much weight a person will lose if they maintain their current habits. Sounds motivating! Additionally, MyFitnessPal has a huge food database that can tell people more about the ingredients they put in their food. Including nutritional value and calories.

Available: iOS | Android

7. Snapseed

Photo editing apps are as numerous as amateur photographer accounts on Instagram. There are plenty, but it’s hard to find a good one. What makes Snapseed great is that it has a simple interface but robust editing features. It’s a favorite for both professionals and those just looking to make their photos look good without much effort.

Available: iOS | Android

Make life a little easier (or at least less hard) by getting some of these apps to help out.

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