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5 Tips to Increase the Natural Light in Your Home

A pleasant and intuitive approach to make your home a brighter and more calming space is by letting natural light in. Not only does it add a warm and welcoming feel to your residence, but natural light can also significantly affect your mood and health positively. Here are five tips to Increase the natural light in your home and enjoy its numerous benefits.

Replace Your Windows

One of the most effective ways to increase natural light into your home is through residential window replacement. Older windows can have poor insulation, a hazy look, or have a tinted film that can produce reduced daylight. Installing energy-efficient windows can help you retain heat or cold better, reducing your energy bills and allowing natural light to flow unimpeded. Moreover, you can install skylights to introduce natural light into your dark rooms and hallways.

Reflective Surfaces

Reflective surfaces, such as mirrors, metallic accents, glass surfaces, and high-gloss tiles, can help magnify natural light and make it appear brighter, even on gloomy days. When positioned wisely, these surfaces can easily bounce natural light throughout your living space and make your rooms feel more expansive and open.

Replace Heavy Curtains with Sheer Fabric

Pulling back heavy drapes and replacing them with sheer curtains is a considerable undertaking to increase natural light in your home. Heavy curtains can be beautiful for those early morning lie-ins, but they can drastically limit the amount of natural light in whichever room you have them placed. Lightweight fabrics can be just as efficient while still making the room feel brighter and more open.

Clutter Control

Clutter can significantly impact the natural light in your home. At times, it might not be your windows or curtains that need an upgrade, but your house’s clutter culture. Clear out clutter from the floors and tables, particularly in the rooms where light struggles to penetrate, such as basements, attics, and big rooms with limited window placement. This will open up the room, allowing natural light to move more efficiently.

Paint your walls in Light Colors

Light colors reflect light, making them perfect for rooms you want to brighten up. When you have dark walls, they can absorb light, making the room feel more gloomy than it ought to be. When choosing your paint color, opt for light and airy colors that will help sunlight bounce around the room, creating a more open and welcoming living space.

There is no surprise why more and more homeowners continue to show interest in seeking ways to increase the natural light in their homes. Increased natural light provides numerous benefits, including improved mood, energy savings, and the appearance of more expansive and welcoming living spaces. Replacing windows, incorporating reflective surfaces, and creating an open, clutter-free environment are just a few of the ways to increase natural light in your home. By putting the five tips mentioned above into practice, transforming your home into a well-lit, inviting space can become a reality.

Author Bio

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family, and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can follow her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.

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