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5 Tips Every Motorcyclist Needs to Know Before Hopping on a Bike

From an iconic Harley-Davidson, a reliable Honda, a trusted BMW, a top-notch Ducati to a time-tested Yamaha, the motorcycle industry is thriving now more than ever. The number of registered motorcycles in the US now stands at 13,158,100 with California leading the figure in ownership. Around 2.5 million motorcycles were sold between 2014 and 2018. The industry is expected to grow by around $10.99 billion by 2025.

The market forecast and sales growth are not the only ones benefiting from the changing landscape of the motorcycle industry. According to statistics, women had a steady increase in ownership, jumping to 14% in comparison to the previous years. The brand Harley-Davidson has an impressive share of women riders, 60.2 percent.

Now that the motorcycle hobby has increased, it is time for people to know a few things about this need-for-speed ride. Here are five tips every motorcyclist needs to know:

Get it Inspected First

Just like with cars, daily basic inspection is a preventive measure that can help save you from having an accident. Whether you own a second-hand, a brand new, or an older motorbike, it is essential that you make a daily routine of checking, maintaining and inspecting your motorcycle whenever you are going to use it.

Theis basic inspection will most likely take you up to 5 minutes only. Things to check for your daily ride includes:

Protective Gear is a Must

Riding a motorcycle is fun and exciting, but it comes with a cost. According to U.S Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), riding a motorcycle leaves you vulnerable to serious accidents 33 times more in compared to riding a car. In fact, it accounts for 23% of traffic-related deaths worldwide. The projection is scary, but it can be mitigated, prevented, and minimized. One way to prevent the risk of having an accident on the road is by wearing the proper attire and safety gear.

Contrary to what you see in movies, motorcycle enthusiast promote wearing safety attire and gear. A leather jacket may make you look cool, but wearing a helmet, leather gloves, knee and elbow guards, and motorcycle boots may help you survive a crash. According to CDC, as simple as wearing a helmet can significantly reduce the risk of fatality and incurring serious head trauma.

Unpredictable Weather

Riding a motorcycle means you are going on a ride with open-air, exposed to several factors like the weather. Weather can be very unpredictable and so it is important to check the forecast. Checking the weather forecast whenever you plan to go on a ride, especially when it is a long ride, will allow you to be prepared and aware of how the surrounding will be all plan alternative routes if needed.

Safety Courses

Riding a motorcycle is much riskier than any other means of transportation. If you have passed the test for your motorbike license then you are probably well-informed about the basic safety tips for the road. But some of those skills only work in theory, the open road is unpredictable and not everyone in traffic will see you. Consider taking advanced safety courses for motorcycle riding. The lessons you will learn from there are applicable to real-life situations like defensive driving, blind spots to watch out for, and even different traffic rules in every state.

Customize and Adjust if Needed

Stock motorcycles are great as is, for most people, but if are the type of rider who often goes on a long ride then you might want to consider adjusting and customizing some parts of it for your comfort. Depending on your height, length of arms, and even weight, you may want to customize your bike.

No matter what type of bike you have or where you are traveling, there are a few things that you should know before you ever hop on a bike. Be sure that the motorcycle fits you well, that you know the law, and have the right gear to keep you safe.

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