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5 Mistakes in Your Work from Home Setup

Working from home is far more common now, but that doesn’t mean we’ve all mastered the practice. And if you’re just “making do” with your setup and system, you’re likely committing some serious errors that impede your work and productivity.

When it comes to working from home setup mistakes, we’re talking about everything that affects you physically and mentally. If you’re ready to create a space that works for you instead of against you, take a look at these common mistakes and use them as inspiration to improve your home office.

1. No Organization System That Works for You

Taking time to organize may feel like something that takes you away from more important tasks. But if you haven’t set aside time to organize everything properly, you’re wasting time every day fighting clutter and searching for what you need.

Make a place for everything and put everything in its place. Write down what goes in each compartment to make it official, and hold yourself to this system.

Do the same for your computer files. Don’t save everything in the same folder. With an improved digital organization system, you can spend less time searching for documents and more on your tasks.

Let technology help you with your responsibilities, such as getting an online booking system for small business. This way, you’ll never miss an important date, and you won’t need a million sticky notes to remember your next client call.

2. The Space Is Impersonal

A desk, a chair, and a computer are the necessities. But if it still feels like a haphazard addition to your house, you won’t feel comfortable spending time there. And as you’re likely spending most hours of the day in this space, it’s time to make it a place you enjoy rather than just somewhere you sit.

Bring in something that’s just there to express your style. It doesn’t have to be a significant investment of time or money. Placing a plant on your desk or by the window keeps the room from feeling stuffy. Add a candle or picture of your loved ones to your desk.

Just as you might decorate your desk in an office, make sure you extend your personality to your work from home office.

4. You Haven’t Considered Your Mental Health

A room’s design can make or break your productivity. And if you feel stressed simply by being in your workspace, you won’t accomplish what you set out to do each day.

Try to keep your furniture layout open, so you don’t feel constricted. Choose a color scheme to make you feel calm — green is a top recommendation.

3. No Dedicated Office Space

While your bed or couch may be comfortable, working here blurs the line between work hours and personal time. You won’t be able to relax when it’s time, but you won’t feel like being productive on your couch either.

Having a desk space separate from your coffee table, bed, or dining room table will help maintain boundaries. When the day is done, leave work at the desk. If you still struggle with this, use some end-of-day rituals to further cement the line between work hours and free time.

5. An Uncomfortable Chair

How do you expect to focus when your back is aching?

Find a chair with essential comfort and ergonomic considerations. Ensure that your feet aren’t dangling and you also aren’t scrunched up. This will hurt your back and neck. Make sure it’s not leaning too far back or forward. Depending on your preferences, give it some extra padding with a pillow or blanket.

Optimize Your Work from Home Setup

Now that you know the most common mistakes, it’s time to rid them from your setup. With a few improvements here and there, you can watch your productivity skyrocket and regain your sense of calm and relaxation when it’s time to step away from work.

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