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5 Home Damages to Check for After a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms, while beautiful to watch and often calming to listen to, can cause serious damage to your home. It’s important to check for any damages after a thunderstorm and take the necessary steps for repairs. Here are five areas in your home that you should inspect after a thunderstorm passes through.


Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. It’s responsible for protecting your family from the elements and keeping out pests, water, and other unwanted guests. Make sure to check for any signs of wear or damage following a thunderstorm. Look for signs such as missing shingles, cracks in siding, or leaks in the ceiling or walls. If you notice any of these issues, contact professional roofing contractors right away before any further damage is done!


Windows provide us with light and ventilation as well as views of our surroundings, but they can also be vulnerable during storms. After a storm passes through, look around your windows for signs of damage such as broken glass or bent frames. Also make sure to check inside the house for water damage near windowsills after heavy rains have soaked the area outside.


Clogged gutters are one of the most common causes of property damage after a storm passes through an area because they cannot handle large amounts of rainwater all at once. Inspect your gutters for clogs or blockages that need to be cleared out before more rainfall occurs again in order to protect your home from water-related damages such as flooding or foundation problems due to pooling water around the base of your house.


Windy weather can sometimes cause trees to break branches or even uproot completely if they haven’t been properly cared for beforehand. It’s important to inspect any trees on your property following a thunderstorm so that you can make sure there aren’t any hazards present which could potentially harm anyone on the property if left unchecked–especially if children are present!

Exterior Siding

Finally, it’s important to check exterior siding following a storm because it can become damaged by winds or hail during particularly severe storms which could lead to further problems down the road such as water leakage into walls due to holes created in siding from flying debris during storms with high winds speeds–which could then lead mold growth over time if not dealt with promptly!

Taking care of potential damages caused by thunderstorms is key in protecting your home and family members against further risks associated with these types of weather events. By inspecting each area listed above following a thunderstorm you will be able to identify potential issues quickly and take action right away before they become bigger problems down the road! With this knowledge at hand, you can rest assured knowing that you have done everything possible in order prevent future damages caused by extreme weather conditions like thunderstorms from occurring on your property!

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