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4 Ways to Protect Your Roof From Weather Damage

The weather can wreak havoc on any home. When it comes to the roof of your home, it’s an imperative part of your entire home’s safety system. If your roof fails, then you’re going to have major issues with the structural integrity of the rest of your home. Here are four practices that you should implement to help protect your home’s roof from excessive weather damage.

Cut Down Tree Limbs

You may be wondering what tree limbs have to do with protecting your roof. The truth is that trees tend to pose the biggest threat when adverse weather strikes. Whether it’s the wind breaking off a tree branch or heavy water weighing it down until it snaps, those limbs can pose a big threat to your home’s roof. It’s advisable to trim limbs back away from the top of your home so they don’t land on your roof if they break off.

Have Quality Shingles Installed

You should know when the last time was that your roof was replaced. It’s generally assumed that regular shingles will last about 20 to 30 years in length. If you spring for the 50-year shingles, you can be protected for longer. However, when those shingles start to approach the end of their lifespan, it can cause roofing mayhem. You should always ensure that your shingles are in good condition to protect your home from weather damage of all sorts.

Check Your Gutter System

One of the most costly mistakes that homeowners make is not paying close attention to their gutters. They think that their roof is the main protector against the elements and their gutters are more of a secondary thing. The truth is that your roof and your gutters work in unison to protect your home. Your roof is designed to deflect water from your home and your gutters are there to collect and remove that water away from your home.

Have Regular Roof Inspections

You should have a preferred roofing contractor that checks out your home on an annual basis. Their job is essentially to look over all the components of your roof and identify if there are any issues. A good roof inspection will reveal cracks and missing shingles which can be remedied before the problem gets worse. Letting small roofing issues go can lead to costly repairs later on down the road.

Protecting your roof from weather damage is a task that every homeowner is faced with. The more you do to prepare, the less expensive your repairs bills will be. The above are four great practices you should implement to ensure the safety of your home.

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