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4 Snorkeling Tips and Tricks

Snorkeling is a great form of exercise and a perfect way to discover the wonders of the ocean. It also has numerous health benefits, reduces stress and makes your vacation more enjoyable.  The good thing is that almost anyone can learn to snorkel- and really fast. All that is necessary is a little patience, willingness to learn and an adventurous spirit.

While snorkeling may look simple, keep in mind that it still involves swimming around in an open body of water, so there are a few safety tips that all beginners should always remember. You don’t need to be a pro swimmer to be good at snorkeling, but you must know what to avoid in order to have the best possible snorkeling experience.

We will share a few essential tips and tricks that will help you become a great snorkeler!

Find the Mask That Fits

If you want to make out the most out of your snorkeling experience, you’ll need good equipment. Most importantly, your snorkeling mask should fit you perfectly! This is extremely important because you want to keep the water from seeping inside the mask and obscuring your vision. You certainly don’t want that to happen out there in the open ocean, so make sure you find the best mask for you.

To make sure you’ve done it right, hold the mask to your face and breathe in slowly through your nostrils. The mask should stay safely in its place at all times.

Tip: Make sure you’re wearing the strap properly to make sure the mask stays in place and prevent the water from seeping in.

Choose the Fins

Fins are another essential part of snorkeling equipment so you should pay attention to find the ones that suit you best.

As a rule, fins should be comfortable, neither too tight nor too loose. Wearing fins that are too tight could cause cramps while snorkeling, or even injure your feet. On the other hand, if your fins are too big, they might slip off, preventing you from swimming properly.

Tip: We recommend you rent fins as it’s a better solution if you’re into water sports and prefer to snorkel long distances.

Breathe Properly

Snorkeling is not possible if you don’t have a proper breathing technique. Remember to relax and practice breathing before you plunge into the water.

A good idea is to practice for some time to get used to breathing through a snorkel. The key thing here is to feel relaxed and comfortable. Being tight could ruin your experience and even cause panic while you’re in the water.

Tip: The tip of your snorkel should always remain above water to prevent water from coming in.

Enjoy the Ride!

Exploring the depths of the ocean is a wonderful and relaxing activity. The ocean is teeming with sea life and holds many secrets just waiting to be discovered. Relax and enjoy your snorkeling adventure and you will have an unforgettable experience.

Tip: If you’re new to snorkeling, we recommend you team up with a friend. You’ll be safer and have someone to help you out in case something goes wrong.

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