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10 Ways to Create a More Tranquil Home

In today’s hectic lifescape, sometimes we want our homes to be our relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We often try our hardest to make our homes feel peaceful and tranquil, but if you don’t know where to start, you can end up stressing yourself out. Here are some ways you can turn your home into that tranquil space it was always meant to be.

Put Away the Electronics.

Today’s day and age is all about technology, but tranquility is a place of escape. Block out a specific time to put away the electronics, and actually stick to it. Read a book, listen to music or do something else that doesn’t require you to look at a blue screen. Finding ways to limit the use of electronics in your home is one of the best ways you can make it more tranquil and peaceful.

Bring the Outdoors in.

Even if you don’t have a dark green thumb, bringing in some greenery can do wonders for the feel of your home. Place plants on end tables or hang them from corners of the ceiling and watch as your living room becomes an indoor retreat! If you are worried that you won’t be able to keep them alive for very long, consider getting some faux greenery from your local craft store, or find plants that don’t require much maintenance. This way, your home still feels peaceful without stressing you out!

Add Candles and Calming Scents.

Invest in an essential oil diffuser or find some candles that make you feel good when you sniff them. Many experts say the smell of lavender is very calming, but if you find that the smell of cinnamon apples calms you, too, don’t hesitate to get the candles or incense with that scent! Find the scents that make you feel at peace. You could also incorporate the scent of lavender by using it in your fabric softener or as an air freshener in your bathroom.

Introduce Calm Colors.

Instead of decorating in loud, bright, bold tones, consider incorporating more neutrals and calming colors such as shades of blue. This will help your brain feel more at ease when you’re spending time in different rooms. If you still have a passion for bright orange or neon green, use them sparingly as accents, such as in the colors of personalized picture frames, around your home.

Sleep on a Schedule.

Getting a good night’s sleep is actually a great way to make your home feel more tranquil. Make sure you go to bed at a set time each night, remove distractions from electronics at least 30 minutes before going to sleep and invest in a set of blackout curtains for your room. Doing these things is a great way to ensure you sleep through the night and that you wake feeling well-rested and more at peace.

Make Things Cozy.

A peaceful place doesn’t mean that it’s decorated sparingly. Make your home cozy by incorporating plush decor, such as a fleece picture blanket draped over the arm of the couch or a stack of books on an end table. Add a plush area rug or a club chair with a fuzzy accent pillow to your space as a way to make things feel cozier.

Do a Deep Clean.

You can keep your space cozy without having it cluttered. Take a day and go through all your storage boxes and get rid of any of the things you no longer need. You can either have a yard sale and make some extra cash for your no longer needed items, or you can donate them, especially if they’re gently used. Consider ways you can recycle your items, too, or give them to people who can. Having a space that isn’t cluttered will make you feel so much more relaxed every time you step into it.

Play Music.

Sometimes the silence deserves to be filled. Play calming coffee shop tunes, nature noises or acoustic indie to make your space feel much calmer. Many streaming services have playlists dedicated to calming down or chilling out, carefully cultivated to increase your peacefulness within your home. Press play, lie down on the couch and relax with a good book while listening to some calming tunes.

Start Drinking Tea.

There are many benefits to drinking tea, and one of those is reducing blood pressure. Reducing your blood pressure can make you feel much calmer, plus make you healthier in the long run. It’s as simple as drinking a cup or two of tea every day! Different types of tea have different purposes, and there are many different flavors to choose from. Plus, it smells great when it’s brewing!


Meditating is actually a great way to feel more tranquil. While difficult at first, especially for those of us who have a difficult time focusing or have a lot going on in our daily lives, meditation is great for relieving stress. You’ll want to actually create a space within your home specifically for meditation, making sure it’s sectioned off from other living areas. Decorate it with plush pillows, blankets and other pieces that make you feel calm–but don’t clutter it! You don’t have to follow a strict meditation style, either. Just having a small place of escape is a great way to make your home more tranquil, especially if you live with roommates, kids or have a very small living space.

Creating a tranquil home can be very difficult, especially if you have young children who keep you on the move, work multiple jobs or spend a lot of time traveling for work. Focus on the small things at first. You don’t have to start throwing out your current furniture and bringing in new items right away. Meditate before bed, drink tea in the morning after breakfast or burn a candle while you’re taking a bath. Making minor changes within your living area is one of the best ways to make it feel more tranquil.

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